San Francisco Loading Lock-Up


First time out of the vault
OK! So I recently got out both FO1 and FO2 in hopes of passing them before the release of FO3. FO1 was a piece of cake. FO2 keeps crashing at random...
I've already officially updated it, so I'm running V 1.02. It is a U.S. copy. I've done pretty much everything in the game related to all other towns except for Navarro, Enclave, and San Francisco. In-fact, I haven't even started moving around San Fran save for the shops (power armor) and talking to the Brotherhood rep. The only notable thing I remember before having the problem is that I wandered off with Cassidy and Goris, trying to level Goris, reached level 30 (I believe) and picked up Magnetic Personality so I could pick up Skynet and have an odd team.
If you need specs on my computer for anything...then here ya go!
Microsoft Windows XP
Home Edition
Version 2002
Service Pack 2

AMD Anthlon(tm) 64 Processor
2.01 GHz. 1.00 GB of RAM
Physical Address Extension

The only other notable thing I can think of is that I run FO2 off my computer and not the cd, if that matters.
Eerekai said:
Not yet. I'm a wee bit scared to try that because I don't want to lose my saved games.
Ehm, then copy your save games somewhere else as a back-up and try reinstalling the game.
I tried reinstalling. I also noticed that I had the Holy Hand-Grenade patch thing installed. I deleted that and then reinstalled it again! Still no luck. I go to "the city", click on Chinatown, and it locks up.
I don't know anything about it other than what I read in Per's guide (the one I linked to).
The bug triggers upon leaving an area, and means that next time you try to enter that map, your computer will lock up completely.
It's already broken. You can't fix it by throwing away items.
What you must do is find the corresponding file from an earlier save and replace the bad file with it. For instance, San Francisco Chinatown, which is the map where this might well happen to you the first time (two big shops), is "sfchina.sav" - use the Ctrl-R trick to find the right map if you're in doubt. Critters and items on the map will revert to what they were in the previous save, and BLABLABLA EVERYTHING WILL SCREW UP, BACK-UP SAVEGAMES
Conclusion (I think...):
Find some older save, if you have one and try to enter San Francisco. DON'T SAVE IF IT WORKS.
If you can get in without a fuss, then copy the sfchina.sav from that save/slot to your other save.
If you don't have any older saves with a sfchina.sav that works, then:
1. Open up the game
2. Press Ctrl+R at the title screen
3. Pick sfchina.sav
4. I guess you type in a name or something, who cares?
5. Save the game in an unused slot
6. Copy the file from that save
7. Rejoice

I might be wrong though, Per speaks in big words and funny syllables.

Also, remember to make a backup just in case everything fucks up.
I am having this exact same problem, running almost an identical system, there is only one major difference aside from party members I can think of and that is this only started happening to me AFTER I killed everyone at Navarro for some Xp before moving on in San Fran.

Every time before this I could enter fine, after I did this I can't enter San it just locks up after I click on China Town, everywhere else is fine even random encounter and special encounters.