Sawyer on Fallout3


Lived Through the Heat Death
There`s a long and fascinating thread on the Interplay message boards where J.E. Sawyer from Black Isle Studios talks about his ideas on Fallout3.
Here`s a quote:
After some thought on this, I would actually simplify this instead of expanding it. Small Guns: guns that require one hand to use. Big Guns: guns that require two hands to use. But, on top of this, I would like to see Melee, Throwing, and Unarmed become more practical as skills throughout the game. </blockquote>

And another one:
BTW, I should probably say that I do not feel "MORE SKILLS = BETTER". When designing/redesigning an RPG skill system for a game, the designers need to decide "what do we want to let the player do, and what, of those actions, do we want to make contested or otherwise limited by proficiency?" When you have the answer, you can categorize your skills. Ideally, all skills should have equal use throughout the game if any given player chooses to specialize. </blockquote>

Thanks go to Ausir from DAC for pointing this thread to me, and congrats for his Lionheart site now being the official site on Poland.