Marcelo said:
I use the mapper 2 (teamX).
Are you sure that's not the official mapper which, when installed, seems to be called mapper2.exe, with a size of 2123k? If that's the one, its not TeamX mapper, its interplay's mapper. TeamX (Dims) made a mapper which is called ... mapper2! Everything I am saying about items, scenery, critters, scripting refers to using the official mapper from interplay.
Marcelo said:
I create the image in the photoshop, I convert her for FRM. Then I place the image in the folder scenery. But she doesn't appear in the map editor.
You have to edit the scenery.lst file and add your new filename at the end of the list. Then, start the mapper, select the scenery type, click on one of the existing scenery items, and press your "end" key. This should bring you to the last position in the selector bar. Click on the blank square there and select Edit. Then press the "End" key again and the image in the top right corner in prototype editor should be your new image, if everything is configured properly.
You need to consider palettes. You need to import the fallout palette into photoshop I think.
Marcelo said:
More: critters don´t attack in my map... Shit.
Marcelo said:
More: mapper 2 interplay crash, crash, crash...
The mapper has approximately zero tolerance for errors. So if there is any kind of error in any configuration file or script, it tends to crash. They didn't put in much error checking. If you put a bracket ) instead of brace } by mistake in one of the text files, the mapper won't even start! That's the first thing to check if the mapper won't start ... I've had that happen a dozen or so times. I crash the mapper about 50 times a day. It's quite a resource hog too, as soon as I start it CPU usage goes up to ... 100%!
EDIT: Please read the FAQ about mapping stuff. You need to set the "librarian=1" in mapper2.cfg, and you need to make some \Fallout2\dev\proto directories, or you'll get errors that say "unable to save prototypes"