Scotty the Great's Fallout Community


First time out of the vault

This community has been going for a very long time and is a varied and likeable community. Around six months ago, I was made a Head Scribe. Basically I handle fan-fiction - my job includes uploading fictions to the site, getting information about fictions, reviewing them and most important of all, recruiting new fictions for the site. Which I've been crap at to be honest.

Scotty the Great's has had a fan fiction section for some time, possibly before DAC, but I don't know. I'm not going to beg you for the right to use your fiction, but if you want to have seen more, added to a collection of forever-archived fictions and help me and the site out, send me a private message and tell me the fictions you wish to submit.

We've already got 'Dongo Weener' and a very large continuing story 'Voyages of the Chosen One'.Not to mention Freedom of the Broken Hills, Apocalypse Happening, Random Rendering #001, Random Rendering #002: The Demon Within, Vault Dweller's Farewell and Vault of the Future (Part One).

More information
Head Scribe News Thread
Fan Fiction Forum
Fan Fiction Section
Main Site
I think most of us here at NMA have heard of Scotty's site and, yeah, I'd say they have a very nice fan fiction section. Unfortunately, I dont' think NMA's got a "permanent" (as in text format saved onto hard drive) section for fan fictions any more. Mainly because most fiction series flounder (hey, I'm just as guilty) but also because there's little action anymore. I'll have to badger Odin or one of the admins for a permanent fan fiction section (surely Draconias Galactica deserves it).

the representation of dralactica's ego - a blind, blue-sheep-furred, green armed, green pig tailed monkey with a heart tatooed onto its ass - pops out of his ears, looking hungry

Third time this week. I swear, why do I even bother un-equiping my guns at this point?