Screen Size during play


First time out of the vault
I have Fallout 2 installed on my laptop (windows ME) and when I run Fallout, the game only takes up a somewhat small portion of my screen. I know the game can play the full screen, because the game used to do it. Does anyone know how to increase the screen size of the game? I am currently running windows at 1024 x 768, and the game has played full screen at this size. I believe that I did the medium or large installation when I installed the game (months ago) but I'm not totally sure. Hope someone can help out .... Thanks!
That's because of the laptop's LCD (or plasma or whatever) screen. IUnlike a CRT you can't change the resolution without artifacting (ie: some lines take 2 pixel rows). So instead of looking ungly it shows the image in a 1to1 pixel ratio in a higher resolution, making it smaller.

Some laptops have BIOS options to enable the zooming regardless, though this usually only applies with DOS stuff I think.
okay .....

well how come I have previously the game played at full screen capacity? anyone have any ideas as to how i can get back to full screen size?
If you don't mind messing up your desktop icons, try changing the res yourself before running the game. Then exit the game & switch back. Maybe it will notice & wake up res-switching again.

Maybe it needs an even number to scale up, fo2 runs in 640x480...try 1280xwhatever...can't hurt.

One more thing to try is go into your fallout2 directory & rename the fallout2.cfg file to something else (like fallout2_bak.cfg). FO2 will create a new one when you run it...could be a corrupted file...If the game stutters afterward, up the art_cache_size to something useful like 150, instead of the default 8.

edit: as well as the correct path to you music files, you can probably copy that from the old .cfg

What type of laptop do you own Casca? Compaq and Dell both support ratiometric scaling, so you should be able to activate this option from the display settings.

I've had a similar problem when switching drivers on my Dell. To fix this problem, I had to go to the "Displays" tab, and click on the "Panel" button; which brings up the panel properties. Then I activate the "Scale Image to Panel Size." It should be the same for all ATI cards, and I understand nVidia cards have a similar option.

I have a Dell laptop, and following your suggestion, Kotario, my problem was solved! Thanks a lot, that was driving me crazy!
No problem at all, glad I could help. Sometimes the solutions are easy, and that particular property is hidden behind quite a few different menus.

Just remember this little trick, since it appears your laptop switched this property off at least once, it's possible it might happen again in the future.