is an ipp file the same as an ssl file?
No. There are three different compilers, and each uses a different set of opcode names. To clarify:
IPP compiler (written by Heinz/Bruz/Abel) was the first FO script compiler/decompiler, written a long time ago, before interplay released the official mapper (which included the compiler they used for game scripts). I don't think anyone uses this compiler anymore, so don't worry about IPP at all. All you need is the official mapper for compiling new scripts.
Noid's compiler is another that predates the release of the official compiler. This one is still used regularly whenever there is a need to decompile scripts (when no source is available). The source code generated by Noid's decompiler will not compile with the official mapper, because it has different names for commands.
The Official mapper includes the script compiler used for the game and all of the FO2 script source code. Everyone is using this compiler now. Most are using Watcom C compiler as the precompiler to merge header files.
So the general idea is:
1) Use the official mapper's script compiler for compiling all new scripts.
2) If you need to decompile, use Noid's decompiler. If you only need to make a small change to a decompiled script, you can use Noid's compiler to generate the INT file.
3) Jargo's FSE has a converter that will change the decompiled source (Noid's format) to Interplay format, so it can be compiled with the official compiler.
The trickiest part of getting everything working is configuration of the compilers. It would be nice if FSE had the compiler and precompiler budled into its install and already configured.
I do most of my work with just the mapper and watcom, batch scripts, and a text editor.