Script of attack at view


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Gronichonha !
I'm actually learning scripting.
And I 've notice something strange.
When I make a basic script like:

Procedure_critter_p_proc begin
  If obj_can_see_obj(self_obj,dude_obj) then attack(dude_obj);

When I test it on the mapper, nothing happen.
When I test it in art temple, in the game, the zombies attack me when thee see me.
Is there another action which don't work in the mapper during testing script?
Thank you.

Brother Soifran
brother_soifran said:
Gronichonha !
the zombies attack me when thee see me.
Brother Soifran

zombies? :shock:

brother_soifran said:
Gronichonha !
Is there another action which don't work in the mapper during
Brother Soifran

in my mind YES the maper can sometimes be very strange!
Yes Cannibales goules living in a city where some normal human try to survive...In a supermarket ? :)
A personal trip to test scripting ;)
Ok so if my script doesn(t look to work, I must test it in the game, isn't it?

Brother Soifran
brother_soifran said:
Yes Cannibales goules living in a city where
A personal trip to test scripting ;)
Brother Soifran

Heh, ok :D sounds like a B Horror Movie to me. :wink: ^^

brother_soifran said:
Ok so if my script doesn't look to work, I must test it in the game, isn't it?
Brother Soifran

I can only say from my experience. YES! So don't worry when a script do not work correct in the mapper. When he does INGAME then it's all OK!
Problem solve.
Lord Dude_obj have already made a post on it.

There is an option in mapper.cfg


The default installation of mapper sets this to 0, and no critter will attack player.


Brother soifran