First time out of the vault

I keep reading this all over the forums: you do not need to decompile because the mapper comes with the source for nearly all of the scripts ....
How can that be so ... there are 1447 .int script files in the master.dat/scripts. The mapper seems to include 1279 scripts. Or are there a bunch of unused scripts in the game?
One more question ... I tried to decompile but got errors doing it on win2k. The errors relate to jetdb. I searched on that and found some instructions for registering DLLs in the registry, did that and I still get jetdb errors. So, does anyone have the decompiler(s) working on windows 2000? Anything special I need to do to make it work?
How can that be so ... there are 1447 .int script files in the master.dat/scripts. The mapper seems to include 1279 scripts. Or are there a bunch of unused scripts in the game?
One more question ... I tried to decompile but got errors doing it on win2k. The errors relate to jetdb. I searched on that and found some instructions for registering DLLs in the registry, did that and I still get jetdb errors. So, does anyone have the decompiler(s) working on windows 2000? Anything special I need to do to make it work?