Sean K. Reynolds proposes Fallout fans set up paypal account

Fallout:BOS is Hunter:TR

First time out of the vault
Sean K. Reynolds at Black Isle is proposing that the Fallout 3 fans set up a paypal account to collect money for Fallout 3.

If we each give $10, then surely we could collect a couple of hundred thousands to get Fallout 3 developed?

seankreynolds said:
Bobbin said:
If IPLY would guarantee me that my money would only be invested in the funding of VB I would be the first in line to spend that money. Give me a Paypal account and I'm there. Not with some lousy 10 Bucks but I'd be happy to spend $50 to get it done - and another $50 later on to buy it. And I REALLY mean that!!!

Then why don't _you_ set up a paypal account, grab a lawyer, write up some sort of legal document stating that all donations will go to Interplay if Interplay agrees to use the money to fund Fallout 3, and that if Interplay doesn't agree by a certain date then the money will be returned to the donators. See how much money you get. If you actually manage to collect $100,000, I'd be very impressed (and that would only be from 10,000 of the "30,000" people who signed the petition) and _that_ would mean a lot more to Interplay than a petition (which is easily inflated by posters using aliases and such).

And if Interplay refuses, then everyone gets their money back. No harm, no foul.

What do you think? Willing to skip a pizza delivery this week in the hopes of getting the game you want?

Tell you what, start up that account with the proper legal notification as I stated above, and I'll put in $10. Crazy!!!

Disclaimer: This crazy idea is just my idea and not the official suggestion of Interplay. Me posting this is not any sort of binding agreement from Interplay that they'll consider this offer. Personally, I don't think you'll be able to put together enough people willing to put their money where their mouth is.
Interplay has shown such incompetence in running a business since Titus took it over that there's no way I'd trust them with money. Look at how badly stockholders have gotten screwed over, and stockholders are people that Iplay is answerable to. Just imagine how badly they'd mismanage donations from anonymous fans. Some kind of binding legal document isn't going to be much help either, since it's likely that they'd be bankrupt and dissolved by the time a lawyer got them into court.

Above aside, I think Reynolds is just being an ass here and not serious. Game buyers spend their money on finished games, not pipe dreams, so his taunt of "Personally, I don't think you'll be able to put together enough people willing to put their money where their mouth is" is the equivalent of someone calling you a chicken for not drinking a gallon of tequila.
*Shrug* It's possible, and I would give up more than 10 bucks. Where are you going to get good developers to finish the game though?
This is something I already suggested some time ago. However, if this would really start two things made to be sure:

- Backing by BIS (on their homepage) and IPLY

- The money wouldn't reach IPLY until they officially start development of FO3 again. Otherwise it would be returned to the donators

However, with all the legal consequences involved I don't know if this could ever happen.
Didn't I already suggest this and things like it multiple times?

In order for us not to get screwed out of our money, if it even takes place, would require some intense legal documentation, which would require hiring a lawyer, which would require more money. And Sean's snide comments just make me dislike him even more and more all the time.
Personally, I don't think you'll be able to put together enough people willing to put their money where their mouth is.
speaking of mouths, seany-boy....why don't you take the dick out of yours?
Montez is right. That's just flushing your money down the drain. Theres no gaurantee that F3 will be made even if everyone donated 100 dollars.
I may be new to this forum, but I really wonder what's up with you? FO3 means a lot to me, not the world, but a lot. If there IS a way to fight for it we should at least try it. Fortunately I know a lawyer and I will talk to him. The legal document needed to cover two points:

1) The money is used only for FO3 development, to finance the team or whatever. IPLY will only get the money if they officially start FO3 development again.

2) If, after a given time, FO3 development is not being started, people will get their money back. Minus transfer fees of course.

Although seank is somewhat big mouthed himself, at least he is right in one point: Talk is cheap.
you know what is bad thing about a dream ?
some day it may come true
i think Fallout 3 is only good as a Dream
we want too much of it
too many hopes and wishes
some want it 3d some 2d
some want it to be like Fallout 1 some like F2
but it will be Fallout 3
even if former BIS guys would gather together and make it
it won't be Fallout 3 you dreamed of
it may be very good
but still
i doubt that everyone will be satisfied
and after finnishing it
you will feel a bit empty because you will lose a Dream
its better to play other Fallout like projects dreaming of Fallout 3
than playing Fallout 3 and thinking that its not exactly what you wanted
I will gladly give $50 or more to a Fallout 3 paypal account provided that Interplay has absolutely nothing to do with the account or the money. If they sell the license to a company that can do something positive for the game then I will do whatever I can to support Fallout 3. Otherwise Interplay can go to hell as they are so obviously doing.

Sorry Sean, nice try though....
I agree with JJ on this that I am doubtful of Iplay or BIS's competence of completing the game. As programmers who got laid off move to other companies, I doubt rather a team could be reassembled to put the project to rest.

I also think that if IPlay were serious about this and wanted to be good to its fans it might sweeten the pot a bit. For example, the $10 donation could come with a refund of $10 when the game is released.

It would seem unfair to me that fallout fans would have to pay a higher price for the game then regular fans.

That said, yes, I would give $10. Ten bucks is not going to burn a hole in my pocket. I'll just have to give up coffee for a week.

One other thing- every time I look at Shadow Paladin's twirling little avatar I want to take a sledge hammer to it and pound it into the dust.
This whole bit of idiocy (and it's no surprise that Sean should post about this stupid shit) was debunked in a couple of threads already:

Simply, Sean doesn't have a clue, and many other people are just too damn naive and haven't bothered to think past the initial piece's move and go straight from "I give money" and think "I get Fallout 3".

Either Sean's an idiot, or he's seen how well the morons jump at the slightest chance, no matter how improbable or impossible it is.
Or he's fully aware of the imposability and he's trying to see how many people will be gullable enough to actually do it and keep his next paycheck from bouncing :p
Remember people, when you are arguing with an Iply employe and they get insulting, ask them if their patcheck's bounced.

If someone could get a lawyer (cmon, theres gotta be a lawyer on the boards) and actualy get some goot papperwork together I think it could be done.

But hte Iply bigwigs would tell us to shove it.