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cfmod said:
No, thanks, it's almost dead.

That's what allot of people said about MR. It only takes one person to believe in a project to keep it alive, especially when they have scripting skills. They are good guys and I keep an eye on their progress (I have access to the team forum). I don't agree with your assessment.

What about Fallout: Between Good & Evil:
Fallout of Nevada, recently released russian mod, is about to have new patch 1.0. You could try to ask Александр Пошелюжин if he needs help. Although I think he is doing fine but he might use a hand.
Dude101 said:
What about Fallout: Between Good & Evil:
I've contacted them earlier, they're need only czech/poland-speaking programmers.
Dude101 said:
Fallout of Nevada, recently released russian mod, is about to have new patch 1.0. You could try to ask Александр Пошелюжин if he needs help. Although I think he is doing fine but he might use a hand.
Too bad he doesn't allow anyone in project development. (Sent him e-mail once)
Well you could always contact Pavel and help him resurrect the Dominion mod. He was a little upset no one was helping, and has disappeared. I don't think there are any other project looking for scripters otherwise. Actually Akkella might need a hand with Deadzone. Project VB is your best bet though IMO.
Why not help the english comunity? Or is scripting in the english version totally diftent?
Oracle said:
Why not help the english comunity? Or is scripting in the english version totally diftent?

Conversation with english-speaking project leader is totally different, based on scripter's level of foreign language mastery. I've some knowledge of english, but my scripting power is... Doesn't really exist :)))

cfmod is good scripter, i suppose. But what then, if he won't be able to conversate with other modding team members effectively?
cfmod why don't you head over to Mutants Rising and inquire can never have too many good scriptors. But you must already have an understanding of Fallout scripting, the guys don't have time to teach you, and you must be committed. That last point is important...too many people show promise, but just disappear. :roll: