Searching for an original Fallout 1 manual


First time out of the vault
Hi there, long-time lurker, first-time poster.

I still have my original boxed copy of Fallout that I bought in 1997, complete with "RPG of the year!" sticker, registration cards and everything. The only thing I'm missing is the (awesome, spiral-bound) manual (which I foolishly loaned someone some years ago only to have them lose it).

Lately I've been making a concerted effort to replace it, to no avail. Ebay is worthless, even auctions for F1 that claim they come with a manual turn out not to when I question the seller directly.

I haunt old game stores, 2nd hand stores etc., but no luck. Does anyone know a good place to look for this? I know I can download and print the manual, but that's not the same, I want an original replacement.
I happen to have the exact opposite problem as you. I still somehow have both manuals, but I'm on my second copy of each game disk. Well I'm on my third FO2 disk, but I can't disclose it's source. :wink: Like you, when I bought the games a second time as a value bundle, I lent my disks to a friend, only to have him lose the disk for FO2.
Here is the manual piggybacked off of my stepdads website. If anyone needs, I have Fallout 1, 2, and *sudders* tactics manuals all in pdf. heres a quick ghetto page I threw together in about 10 sec in Dreamweaver that has em all in english for anyone who wants it.
Heres the link:

Have fun!