Searching for similar music


Antediluvian as Feck
Maybe there's already a thread about this, but I didn't see any on the first two pages (Vat/merge if there is). I remember a site called Pandora, where you could type in what kind of music you liked and it would search webradios and come up with matches. As this has apparently been restricted to US residents only, I was wondering if there was a similar site?

you can install a a program that tracks what music you listen to and come up with suggestions on similar music based on that. it also finds other people with similar tastes as you.
or you could just ask me "who sounds like these guys?" and then go to your local record store, buy the album/single, then come back to your house...listen....then ask me "yeah, but who sounds like these guys?" and then i'll tell you, ad infinitum.

sorry. i just missed answering Teh Overseer's question posts. :P
aenemic said:

you can install a a program that tracks what music you listen to and come up with suggestions on similar music based on that. it also finds other people with similar tastes as you.

Yes, I recommend as well. You can download the program or listen the music directly from the site.