Semi-Automatic / Automatic Hunting rifle (W.I.P), Reloading


First time out of the vault
So i am working on a mod that makes the hunting rifle Semi-automatic / Automatic but have one problem :
i created a new form with all the old info of the huntingrifle and changed everything in it with the info of the Assault Rifle (not Chinese !) .
Everything works fine in the game except the reloading animation and i can't find a way how to put it the old way ?
So i need some help !
Apperantly the reloading animation is linked the the shooting animation (which i put to loop) or could it be the ammo which i changed to 5.56

Many thanks for the people who helped and please no comments on why i would make the hunting rifle Semi-automatic / Automatic ... I think it would be nice
So basically a repeater rifle? That's neat, actually. Unfortunately i don't have details of the animations themselves but i can clarify one thing.

Checking "Automatic" simply changes the weapon to ignore the semi-automatic variables, and automatically re-shoot the weapon for you using the weapon's firing animation time multiplied by the firing rate value.

Semi-Automatic on the other hand works just like the real thing. Pulling the trigger discards the spent cartridge and loads in the next cartridge automatically. The time it takes for the gun to reload like this is represented by the first semi-automatic time delay. The second time delay is actually not entirely needed, which is why default is 1 second.
CRAIZEprince dunno if u already tried from assult rifle change but u can try to make hunters rifle cardrige bigger(15-20 bullets in one)