set_pc_stat? (change player level via script)


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Just wondering if a command equivalent to this exists.

Fallout 2's DEFINE.H said:
#define PCSTAT_unspent_skill_points (0)
#define PCSTAT_level (1)
#define PCSTAT_experience (2)
#define PCSTAT_reputation (3)
#define PCSTAT_karma (4)
#define PCSTAT_max_pc_stat (5)

Unfortunately "pc_stat(#) := #" doesn't work, nor does "set_pc_stat(#, #)" because neither command exists.

If somebody knows a way to set these values instead of just read them, please let me know. There's other ways to modify rep and exp without using PCSTAT variables, but not level (that I can find anyway)

Thank you :clap: :D
No clue, sorry, but why do you want to do that (just so I can think of a possible workaround)?

Also, on a side note:

"pc_stat(#) := #"

":=" is just for setting temporary variables (like += and -=), so don't bother trying that again.
JimTheDinosaur said:
No clue, sorry, but why do you want to do that (just so I can think of a possible workaround)?
Since FO1-to-FO2-engine is a long-term project, I thought it would be fun to remove the leveling cap on FIXT in the meantime, to give people something fun to do instead of having to wait a year or two for the playable version with the level cap properly removed :)

One workaround I thought of today is to just keep track of Total Exp using the same formula that Fallout is already using (since Total Exp keeps getting tallied even once level 21 is reached), and for each "level up", would manually force the game to play the levelup sound, display the levelup message, and increase Available Skill Points using the already-existing formula. These can all be done easily in script and I know how to do them.

Unfortunately, that has two downsides:
- Won't get any more Perks, which to me is the whole reason to level past 21.
- Pretty sure I can't raise Max HP via script in Fallout 1 (although I could be wrong; it's been a while since I tried)

I'm not going to spend dozens and dozens of hours trying to get this to work, but I figured I'd play with it for a day or two. I think that time investment is worth having something extra for the fans to do 8-)