Sex is for fags

"3. To ignore my raging hormones and burning drive to fondle, suckle, and thrust furiously into a hot gooey pit of creamy-soft fleshy ecstasy. "


Best internet movement ever. If I was a chick I'd totally get the thong.
Man, I can't stop laughing. This shit is hilarious, man, it brought tears to my eyes and split my sides.
I guess I'm one of the few who enjoys being a "fag."

I do love that "girl slime."

Mohrg :twisted:
Having sex is NOT cool, no matter what the mainstream liberal media tells you. Girls' vaginas are just like venus flytraps: multi-fanged jaws waiting for your tasty bits to slither into their poisonous quicksand. So no matter how much it seems to hurt not to find solace in sticky backseat groping sessions, don't give in to temptation. But how? Simple! Just get heavy into these ten awesome sex-avoidance activities!

(This bit's from the site for girls.)
When a boy's disgusting private goes inside of a girl's shameful unmentionable, there is a serious risk of it breaking off and causing excruciating pain while it travels throughout your body like a giant trichinosis worm.

Up until the moment in your wedding when he says "I do," a boy's privates sport a treacherous spine of jagged scales, which may or may not secrete acid and weapons-grade anthrax – for which, apparently, only Ann Coulter has developed the antibodies.

You Americans either have gullible children or disturbing genitalia. :P

Then again,
While almost all American boys have human-looking privates, most foreign boys have privates like German Shepherds or half-open tubes of Max Factor lipstick.

emm... mikey... it's a joke dude :)

when i read thread's name, i thought it had something to do with one of jim carrey's films(dumb and dumber i think), where their moto was "Sex is for fags" :)
i really liked those "things to do instead of sex"... football and scout troops LOL