Sfall CRC error!


Still Mildly Glowing
I'd like to run modded (by me;-, ONLY & EXCLUSIVELY for my own, private usage) fallout2.exe but i got CRC check error.
I've tried to add ExtraCRC option to ddraw.ini but it doesn't work (seems to be ignored)!
I'm using Sfall v2.17b. There is notice in changelog for v2.8a and up: "Moved ExtraCRC and AllowUnsafeScripting into the [Debugging] section of ddraw.ini" but there is no [Debugging] section in my ddraw.ini
What i have to do to solve the problem??

Please help!
You need to download a debug sfall to have crc error fixed. Its is in the same place you got sfall 2.17, called modderspack. Then you just add the line with your fallout2.exe crc into [Debugging] section of ddraw.ini.
Good luck.
Yeah, that pretty much covers it. Just remember that the check is there for a reason. sfall expects everything in the exe to be in certain places, and if you start changing stuff in the same areas as sfall makes changes, then something is going to break.