Sfall & Mac GOG version - tearing my hair out!

Bo Shubinsky

First time out of the vault
Hey folks, I've been Googling and searching and so far I've found nothing. I recently got the urge to play Fallout 1 & 2 again so I reinstalled the GOG version (Wine, not DOSBox). I downloaded Sfall and extracted the stuff into the folder with my .exe. I removed the COLOR256 reg keys. Here's where I have an issue:

When I set Sfall to mode 4 or 5, the game outright crashes. When I leave it at 0, I get weird psychedelic colors - I don't really mind, since my goal is to play in Windowed. I used Winetrick to install dx9_40 as per the FAQ says but the game still crashes outright when I have it to set to both modes 4 and 5. At this point I'm stuck and I'm not sure where I'm screwing up. If anyone has experience adding Sfall to the Mac version of GOG I'd appreciate the help.
Update - if I replace the ddraw.dll from the original file it opens up fine (but ignores everything in the sfall ddraw.ini)