Fallout 2 mod Sfall SE 4.1.7 - Can't Compile Scripts; Error: Parser.dll

Randam Hajile

First time out of the vault
Hi all,

I am hoping someone may assist me here, so thanks in advance to anyone who might comment!

I'm on Windows 10 v21H2, and no matter what version of the SFall Script Editor I use, I get the below error:


Even after disabling the parser, when trying to compile, it errors out with "Error: Preprocessing Script Failed" when trying to compile a .ssl. I'm following this guide here to get my mod tools set up and I'm trying to just compile an existing NPC as a test.

Is there an issue with my version of the .net framework? Apparently I already have 4.0 installed... I also read somewhere issues regarding the script editor being for x86 OSes vs x64?? But it also said v4.1.7 should fix that, so I'm at a loss at this point as to what to do.

Any help would be much appreciated! If I have to set up a Windows 7 VM to get this darn thing running, I will, lol.
ACTUALLY I think I may be good now; I followed Quantum Apprentice's excellent video here instead:

Seems to be parsing and compiling now! Woohoo. Let's see what I break next : )