sFall with Reshade


First time out of the vault
Howdy! I was thinking about playing some FO2. And since it's been a while I've made a fresh install based on the GOG version with FO2tweaks and RPU v29. As we know, the latter one also goes along with the latest sFall (v4.4.3.1).

Now, maybe it's just me, but vanilla FO2 graphics was always a bit too dim for my personal taste. So to improve this a bit, I've also decided to use Reshade. The latter actually worked and it looks pretty good imo (I can share the settings if you want).

However, there are two minor issues with using Reshade as I did:
  1. The keyboard is essentially disabled for the Reshade overlay. As far as I understand, it's being intercepted by the sFall. Nonetheless, I've managed to overcome this by binding some special keys like NumLock or ScrollLock for it. So this issue is pretty much solved for me.
  2. Since Reshade add its own d3d9.dll to the play, the mouse cursor lock to screen added by sFall stops working properly with mouse cursor now going outside the game area to other monitors all the time, if you have a multi-screen setup like me, even if you're using the non-windowed fullscreen mode. I've managed to partially overcome this with the manual cursor screen lock feature provided by the Dual Monitor Tools. However, this solution seems to be pretty cluncky and I also constantly get short freezes with it every few seconds, which is pretty frustrating.
So the question is: Does anyone know how I could use Reshade with sFall 4.4.x for FO2 without breaking the mouse cursor lock to screen?
Howdy! I was thinking about playing some FO2. And since it's been a while I've made a fresh install based on the GOG version with FO2tweaks and RPU v29. As we know, the latter one also goes along with the latest sFall (v4.4.3.1).

Now, maybe it's just me, but vanilla FO2 graphics was always a bit too dim for my personal taste. So to improve this a bit, I've also decided to use Reshade. The latter actually worked and it looks pretty good imo (I can share the settings if you want).

However, there are two minor issues with using Reshade as I did:
  1. The keyboard is essentially disabled for the Reshade overlay. As far as I understand, it's being intercepted by the sFall. Nonetheless, I've managed to overcome this by binding some special keys like NumLock or ScrollLock for it. So this issue is pretty much solved for me.
  2. Since Reshade add its own d3d9.dll to the play, the mouse cursor lock to screen added by sFall stops working properly with mouse cursor now going outside the game area to other monitors all the time, if you have a multi-screen setup like me, even if you're using the non-windowed fullscreen mode. I've managed to partially overcome this with the manual cursor screen lock feature provided by the Dual Monitor Tools. However, this solution seems to be pretty cluncky and I also constantly get short freezes with it every few seconds, which is pretty frustrating.
So the question is: Does anyone know how I could use Reshade with sFall 4.4.x for FO2 without breaking the mouse cursor lock to screen?
looks way too red, do you calibrate your monitors' color and gamma?
looks way too red, do you calibrate your monitors' color and gamma?
I guess everyone has a different monitor color setting, so it might look too red on some monitors. On my monitor it looks pretty balanced with RGB equality represented. Basically, I've boosted contrast and brightness a bit, as well as saturation and vibrance. Also I've added a slight denoise, so some textures look a bit less pixelated, but without fanatism. Finally, a standard FXAA to smooth sprite edges a bit and that's it. On my original screenshot I had bloom turned on, maybe this is what caused a somewhat exaggerated picture. And though bloom does look awesome at night, especially in towns or irradiated dungeons, I turned it off because it was too much with the day lighting.


Anyway, I think I managed to solve the 2nd issue as well, by manually locking the cursor to the screen using the Dual Monitor Tools before starting the game. This way, the cursor limits are calculated using the actual screen and not the game window, which was causing the lagging issue.
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