Shadow Vault at Amazon


Night Watchman
Staff member
skitzofrantic let us know that there's also a review, and a much better one, of Shadow Vault at While the general tone of the review is quite negative, it captures some lighter sides of the game, here's the conclusion:<blockquote>The game manages to be sufficiently challenging to entertain you, if you can look past the horrible first impression that it makes, and the lack of a story that makes any sense. There are 21 missions, and unless you ace them all the first time through, you are probably looking at 30 or more hours of gameplay. Shadow Vault is not a total disaster, but it is still a hard game to recommend at full price. The game is too ugly and the story is too poor to satisfy anybody but the hardcore fan. Shadow Vault is a bargain binner.</blockquote>I'll pass, but it may be worth a shot once it's a bargain...

Link: review of Shadow Vault