Shady Sands, AC

lilfyffedawg said:
Looks nice... like Fallout... in Arcanum. Any plans for an english version?

Yes, there are, read the forum thread.

Jabbapop said:
it'd be more nostalgic if the textures and such were also fallout :(

Wet blanket! :lol:
Silencer said:
Yes, there are, read the forum thread.

I COULD read the forum thread... or I could ask it here and make you answer so all the lazy bums after me wouldn't have to check it themselves :). I was thinking entirely about other people in my refusal to actually do any kind of work.
lilfyffedawg said:
I COULD read the forum thread... or I could ask it here and make you answer so all the lazy bums after me wouldn't have to check it themselves :). I was thinking entirely about other people in my refusal to actually do any kind of work.

Aren't you a concerned citizen all of a sudden... ;)