Shattered Oasis v2.55


Carbon Dated and Proud
The post apocalyptic UT mod called Shattered Oasis has gotten an update, they're now up to version 2.55 and here are some of the things that have been changed:<blockquote>Unlocked all vehicles
replaced buggy mesh & collision
Made the Buggy a little quicker and increased it's mass to reduce bouncing.
Buggy received a skin update to include alpha mask
Increased GyroCopter speed
Increased GyroCopter Rocket Speed
Players are now reset to spawn at end of the round
adjusted camera and pitch and yaw on the STationary turret.....</blockquote>The list goes on, but I didn't want to post them all.
Link: Shattered Oasis download page
If they still have stuff planned but not finished and the thing is not complete, why the hell call it 2.55? Sounds more like 0.2.55 to me.