May 4, 2001 #2 G Guest Guest >check this out. amazing! > > That is SERIOUSLY cool. It looks so realistic (as realistic as stick-figures can be)! -Xotor- [div align=center] [/div]
>check this out. amazing! > > That is SERIOUSLY cool. It looks so realistic (as realistic as stick-figures can be)! -Xotor- [div align=center] [/div]
May 4, 2001 #3 A APTYP Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built! I'm speechless... (N/T) [hr width=440] [p align=center][/p][p align=center][font color=FF00FF face=fixedsys]- Why hello there, Ranger - [font color=00DD00 face=fixedsys]- (Sigh) Go away! -[/p]
I'm speechless... (N/T) [hr width=440] [p align=center][/p][p align=center][font color=FF00FF face=fixedsys]- Why hello there, Ranger - [font color=00DD00 face=fixedsys]- (Sigh) Go away! -[/p]
May 4, 2001 #4 8 8-Ball Guest RE: I'm speechless... (N/T) Meh. Saw it two months ago. Fantastic, though!! Hasta la victoria siempre!
RE: I'm speechless... (N/T) Meh. Saw it two months ago. Fantastic, though!! Hasta la victoria siempre!