Shootergames and Memory


Mildly Dipped
Does anyone use their associative memory when playing games like Max Payne or Hitman Codename: 47?

What I mean is When I play these games through the 2nd time and any other time after that, I can, by using my associative memory know where all the bad guys are and shoot them before they have a chance to shoot me. Is anyone else able to do this? I can also do this for those Arcade shooter games.

I couldn't draw a map and put where they are but I can know where they are while I play....
With Hitman I definitely can, but I also love replaying because there're so many ways to complete missions. I've never replayed Max Payne.

I remember a lot of the baddies in Quake 4, too...I don't really replay shooters, though, because they're generally so linear.
Doesn't everybody do that? There isn't a gamer in the world who couldn't finish the first level of the first episode of Duke Nukem blindfolded with one arm tied behind their back whilst eating a sandwich.
I first noticed when I was playing Doom the second time through when it was still new. Also I just realized I can only stand to play shooters for a short time like two weeks then I can't stand them for a long while like 6 months. I guess knowing where all the baddies are takes the fun out of it.