Should I buy this game? (unpatched)


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Hello everyone!

I was thinking about picking this game up for my Xbox 360 as I do not have a PC to play a modern game such as this one. It seems very interesting and fun and so I would normally pick it up but there is a problem.

I do not have my 360 connected to the Internet. I never bothered to pay the money to buy the equipment that would allow the 360 to be able to receive Wi-fy. For some reason, the 360 does not connect to Wi-fy out of the box like Wii and PS3. You have to buy extra stuff..

So, I would not be able to download any patches. I would have to play the game in the state it was on release date. This isn't a problem for any of the other games I own but I heard this game was loaded with technical issues.

Should I go ahead and get this game or are the patches really that necessary?

Hello Verd

I don't know much about the 360 version, but I've played New Vegas on my PC unpatched without any bigger problems though from what I hear, console versions are a lot more buggier.
I believe you won't have any bigger problems with it, but the main reason why you should have your XBox connected to the Net is because of the fantastic DLCs...or so I've heard...

In my opinion, you should get the game (of course, if the price is reasonable), but you should also think about getting that extra stuff for your console.
Or you could just wait for GOTY edition which will include all the DLCs when it (hopefully) comes out.

Oh, and on the side note, in couple of years, when 360 gets old and new consoles come out - don't buy them. Buy a PC. :wink:
Get the game, it's good. As for connecting your Xbox to the internet, just take a LAN cable, plug it from you desktop PC (the one you are posting from right now) and put it in the xbox. Click on your internetsettings and make it "shared" for the box too. Voila, no expensive stuff needed. :)
Verd1234 said:
So, I would not be able to download any patches. I would have to play the game in the state it was on release date. This isn't a problem for any of the other games I own but I heard this game was loaded with technical issues.
I have this game on xbox360 and PS3 (the xbox is at my brother's house), so I have played it extensively on both consoles. unpatched, and with no DLC.

That being said, you should get this game. I had very little issues on xbox360. It will freeze once in a while, but the PS3 version freezes much more often. I never had any problems with broken quests, or corrupted data.

However, there are a few things that can be frustrating. For example: don't bring Rex (cyber-dog companion) with you to the Legion fort. There is a chance that he will vanish forever if you bring him there. So yeah... little things like that.