Sorry about my english
I have some arguments right now here:
1- 1.800.000 companies were broken in the last year in the USA,and the congress didnt want to give money to bush for him build that defense that he wants,so he just trow some airplanes in the WTC,then after that the congress give i think about 20 billion dollars for him to buy his defense
2- Bush created the menace that Bin Laden was going to attack more times the USA and now his going to build an oil duct inside afeganistan
3- Now he wants to attack Iraq,Iraq produces a lot of oil and export all over the world.
4- USA dont use the oil that they have in their lands,they buy from the world,then when the world have no oil USA still will have,and will sell for evebody.
5- USA sold a lot of weapons to Iraq and a lot of countries all over the world,and now he wants to attack Iraq with Nuclear Bombs,the people of Iraq havent done anything to USA,either Hussein.Hussein have the same weapons that he had 10 years ago.
6- USA just wants to show that he's the strongest country in the world,but think,if Germany,France,and some other countries attack USA it will destroy the world,so why USA dont make peace instead of war?
7- When the attack to the afegans over,5 soldiers of USA army suicided in the same day,same way and almost same time,its something to we think about it...
Thats what i think and that informations are true.