Sigonyth Bites the Dust


Night Watchman
Staff member
Sigonyth: Desert Eternity seems to have been reigned in, frozen, and put on hold, following problems of financial nature faced by the team:<blockquote>New Desert team would like to inform all interested parties that "Sigonyth: Desert eternity" project has been put on hold.

This situation is a result of lack of investors to fund further project development - we have reached stage when continued development of an MMORPG without financial support is simply unfeasible.

We would also like to emphasize that "Sigonyth" will not be completely abandoned - we will continue to develop the design part of the game and await changes on the market that will allow us to revive the project.

We would like to sincerely thank every person that shown interest in this project for all the comments, ideas and support during last three years. For all our commited fans (but not only them) we present a last few samples of our work from tests commenced at the beginning of this year.

Movie 1
Movie 2
Movie 3

Greetings for everyone and see you.

New Desert Team</blockquote>Bad news for the project, hopefully they can revive it in some time.

Links: Sigonyth: Desert Eternity website, Sigonyth Movie 1, Sigonyth Movie 2, Sigonyth Movie 3
Looks cool
Wonder how the performance (on the server side) would be with a lot of players (1000+) firing those blasters and overturning barrels.

The "click"-sound is darn annoying and they need better explosion fx's too
I think in the long run about maybe one or two mods may actually go finish while the rest go into a coma and probably die.