Silence at RS #0423 Chapter one - PROLOGUE (IC)

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Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Chapter one - PROLOGUE

Markus Latham was born in New Gettysburg, Mars, November 11, 2285. Obtained a college degree in Literature at the University of Mars at 2314 after enlisting in the Colonial Marines Officer's Reserve to pay for his studies. After two years of working as a teacher he was called into service to serve in the First Colonial Independence War, also known as the GW1, or Galactic War One, as a reference to World War One for being the first war taking place in an inter solar systems level. Where 28 of the 35 official colonies from the League of Colonies, the smallest and poorest, declared their independence, arguing not being allowed to grow or develop by restrictions imposed by earth and some of the other richer colonies. He participated in the conflict for one year and a half serving on board the MSC "Yamashita", until he was wounded in 2318. After recovering from his leg injury, he was transferred to a post far away from enemy lines, in an isolated research colony.

In dreams

Mark was lost in surreal landscapes, green grass and mud, a river, an overcast sky, the sky was always overcast in his dreams, clouds moving fast, lightings illuminating the landscape, few heavy drops of rain falling into the grass, turning the dirt into mud. He had discovered the murderer, and the murderer now was looking for him to kill him. He hid behind some bushes under a tree, when the killer came close, he would jump on him.

A blur, like the world is melting with another world, voices in the distance, sounds that have nothing to do with the scene. But who had the killer killed? Why was he after him? How did he got there?

After a while Mark starts to regain consciousness, he wakes up in a place he didn't recognized, this was not his bunk in the Yamashita, of course not, he had been transferred, stasis, he had been in stasis on the ship that would take him to his new destination, it was his first time. ¿Was he dreaming? ¿Was he supposed to dream while in stasis? ¿Had he been dreaming all these months? It was better than having to share a single space with some other two hundred marines for several months, bored to death, dirty and smelly.

Mark starts to feel again, and he does not like at all what he feels, makes him wonder if this is really better than the alternative. Everything hurts, the light is so bright it is impossible to see, and he starts coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. He hears a female voice:

-That's good, get all that phlegm out of your system, the feeling will last a few days until you get back to normal. Your limbs will be sore too, you have not moved in months, but the stasis has kept your body from decaying in that time, after a while you should be able to feel normal again.- She was the medical officer, who for the moment was unable to see, just hear. -Well, that's it, I have to go wake up the others, your close is right next to you on your right, best thing for you now is to get something hot to drink, oh, and the mess facilities are behind that door at the end of the hallway.

-What door?- Mark wants to ask, but he is unable to speak, his throat is dry and sore. And just as she appeared, the medical officer whose face he had not been able to see, had disappeared. After a few moments and with the vision partially recovered, he dresses and heads to the mess, or at least in the direction where he believes the mess is.

Now it was his turn to be on watch, the departing watch crew would go in stasis for the last part of the trip. When he gets to the mess, a helping soul grabs his arm and sits him in a table where there are three other people coughing and looking awful, this makes him realize how he must be looking at the moment.

-Here lieutenant, have some of this coffee, I promise it will be the best you had in a while, even if it's a bad quality one.- Says lieutenant Hoffman, while passing him the mug. -First time in stasis?- Mark nods while holding the mug with two hands. Sitting at the table were also a young women, with the uniform of a medical officer, surely the replacement for the one waking the rest of this shift's crew, and a marine sergeant with two big scars across his face, somehow he looked like he was in better shape than the others, like if he wasn't affected by this little stasis nuisance. Looking over his shoulder Mark sees someone else is approaching the table, guided by one of the departing watch crew.
-By the way, my name is Hoffman.- Latham could read his name in his Navy jumpsuit, and so could Hoffman read his he thought, so the introduction served more as an ice breaker.
-Latham, Markus.- Mark shacked Hoffman' hand. -I always traveled with the marines in big ships, no stasis chambers, all piled up with hardly any room at all, one of the worse experiences I have from the war so far.-
-Oh, I see there is some eloquence there after all. Good, your vocal cord need to warm up again.-
Mark answers with a bit of forced but true smile.
-So, you were in the front lines?- Hoffman asks.
-My first destination was pretty quiet, guard duty in an agro-colony, an occupation mostly, we didn't took part in the assault a few months before, with little resistance. The locals didn't gave us any problems, was almost as tedious as the trip, but without the confinement and the stink.-
-Yeah, those ships can be stinky, if one farts everyone smells it.-
Mark returns the same smile. -After that I was in Thrinax, during the first assault wave, there is where I got hit, in the left leg, near the hip, still hurts sometimes, but they patched me up pretty good, the bone healed pretty well, luckily the damage wasn't worse.-
-Shrapnel, from an artillery blast. I was running over a hill with my platoon, the damn artillery began to hit everywhere at once, the explosion wasn't too near, but the damn hot metal fragment found me anyways, hurt like a bitch. It was just hours after we touched ground, I barely got to see the front lines, didn't fired a single shot, the rest of my platoon continued without me, and they evacuated me soon after.

Hoffman smiles when he sees they bring some chocolate cake. -Here Lieutenant, have some of this.- Hoffman passes some cake to Mark. -You sure must be hungry after three months without eating.-
-Sugar has glucose, it will give you a boost of energy that will help you help you recover from stasis effects.- Says the medical officer sitting across the table, she has the same awful look on her face, she seemed to be in the process of recovering too. The name on her name tag red "Tautin" -That's why they bing us cake and coffee with sugar.-
-All I know is that I like it.- Says Hoffman while helping himself to another piece of cake. Then looks at Mark. -You from Earth?-
-Close, Mars.-
-Ahh, a martian, I herd they are good people.-
-And you?-
-Yes, Central Europe.-
-I studied European Literature at the university.-
-Mars University?- Asks the medical officer.
-Me too, medicine I mean, I studied Medicine at the Mars University.-
-Another martian?- Asks Hoffman.
-No, I lived on Earth in my youth, then moved to Mars when I was sixteen, though if you are asking where I was born that was on Luna.-
-Luna?- Mark Asks.
-Yes, Armstrong research facility on Luna.-
-Oh, a lunatic then.- Hoffman smiles.
Tautin doesn't seem to appreciate the joke so much judging for her facial expression. Mark smiles and shakes his head.
There was the sound of fully automatic weapons everywhere, from his trench greg could hear voices, they got closer, Greg ran, he ran as fast as he could, he had to get away, he was a setting duck with his jammed gun, he hid in a small church, and heard the marching footsteps of about thirty troops pass by, as soon as he herd the footsteps dissipate, he made a mad-dash towards the building were his squad was waiting, if he could just get there he could grab a new gun, and be back in the fight. Everything seamed to slow down to a crawl, in his hurry Greg had managed to step on a land-mine, as he stepped off there was a loud explosion.

Greg's eyes shot open, he was no longer in the battlefield, he was instead laying on some sort of operating table, looking into Greg's eyes about six inches from his face was a woman she called over to some other people, Greg couldn't quite make out most of what was being said, but he did hear something that shocked him.


Greg thought for a second, than tried to speak, but all that managed to come out of his mouth was

-Thanks doc-

Greg slowly regained his hearing, just in time to hear that he would have to spend a while off his feat, and have further tests done on him to make sure that there were no serious injures that they hadn't noticed. ~It's going to be one of these days~
David lay on a grassy plane staring up at the sun. A gentle breeze blew over him and he closed his eyes.When he opened them again, he was in a medical room. He got up and looked around. The doctor must've given him his exam while he was asleep. Next to his pod was a green jumpsuit. He put it on and picked up his stuff. His journal, his peacemaker, his dog tags, all of the stuff he had before stasis was there.

He looked at the peacemaker.~Better put that away before anybody sees me~. He shoved it inside his jumpsuit. He walked through the corridors, looking for the mess hall. Seeing the glowing sign above a door, He walked in and got some cake and coffee.~I feel terrible so this should be a good pick me up~
A marine NCO approaches and sits down next to Tautin, probably not even noticing that most of the people at the table were officers due to the after stasis effects.

-Another zombie out of the freezer, uh?- Says Hoffman while grinning. -Here, give him some of this.- Hoffman passes some cake across the table.
-We were just introducing ourselves corporal, were are you from?-
-Don't let him bother you, son, you know how these crazy Navy people are.- Says Latham.
-Just trying to break the ice here, if it wasn't for me everyone would still be eating quietly and looking bad.-
-What's wrong with quiet?-
-Oh, the introvert type.-
-It's okay, he's probably respectful because we are all officers.- Replies Tautin.
-Hey, and what about the sergeant here.- The sergeant doesn't even acknowledges Hoffman.
-Are you always like this Hoffman? Some people are just quiet.-
-We have to bring the life back to our bodies, best way I know of doing that after so many stasis session is to talk.-
-Best thing for you anyway Hoffman, you seem to like to talk.- Hoffman laughs. -Speak freely Corporal, how did you ended up here?-
No-go wheeled himself into the lunchroom for a bite to eat, but when he went to grab his food the strange looks that he got from just about everyone made him wonder what was going on, he hadn't looked in a mirror, so he hadn't seen that his hansom face had been badly burnt, rendering it almost unrecognizable. No-go got his food, and wheeled himself over to a table with a few people at it, for some reason there conversation stopped, and they just stared at him for a bit.
"Howdy, what's got you all so weirded out" No-go said trying his best to make a smile, but it didn't work vary well, he just managed to weird the people at the table
-Well my Dad was an officer, and he wanted me to join the corp. He wasn't pleased when I didn't sign up as an officer. Anyway I've- David stopped as a tall man with a burnt face walked over to the table. David didnt' react, knowing how insulting it was to act like that around someb0ody with injuries, especially a higher ranked NCO. David nodded and said-Sergeant-
"You folks sure don't seam to lively now that I've managed to wheel myself over, haven't you ever seen a man in a wheelchair?" No-go looked around at the kitchen getting a good idea of the layout of the floor, just in case something went wrong.
Hoffman stares at No-go -I guess no one gave him a mirror yet.-
Latham gives Hoffman a disapproving look as Tauting tries to explain. -You are the one that almost dies during stasis, right? From what I have been informed, you have suffered severe burning in your face. I am sorry, we will be shipping you back home as soon as we arrive to the colony.-
Latham turns to No-go -Don't you feel pain? Burn injuries are usually extremely painful, even with drugs.-
No-go was in shock for a short time but managed to respond "My face isn't that bad is it, I don't feel a thing, I should be back on my feet in no time, they can't send me back, I need this gig." No-go saw a mirror on the table, and reached for it, so he could see for himself what had happened to his face, when he saw the extend of the damage done to his face, he simply sat there, pale as a ghost.
Davids expression softened.-I'm sorry- He goes back to eating his cake. He'd seen bad wounds before, and he'd gotten used to them but something like this was new. Not the damage it had done but just the bad luck of it all. he felt a feeling of pity for the sergeant .
After a long trip, the ship reaches the colony's orbit. Markus is on the bridge of the ship, looking out the colony can be seen. Nothing could be seen of the planet's surface, as the planet was covered in white clouds reflecting sunlight. On the dark part of the planet lightnings could be seen, sporadically illuminating all of the surface.

Markus could imagine how the landing would be: first they would disembark on the space port, then unloading all the supplies and equipment. Then probably a small meal with the base commander, and after preparing his men, assemble in a freezing square where everybody would be shaking with cold, and where the departing troops would live those last minutes of the guard change as endless, desperate to get to the ship and out of this freezing rock where the dark noon sky flashed like it's Dracula's Transylvania.
But something interrupted those thoughts. It wasn't a sound, but the lack of it, it was the voice f the colony's spaceport control tower, there wasn't one. It was Tautin  that was trying to contact the tower, but after several times there was still no answer, something wasn't quite right.
Hoffman: -Dammit, don't tell me now that we are in the wrong planet.-
Tautin: -No can be, the navigational data is pretty clear, this is the colony.-
Markus: -Com-link problems then?-
Hoffman: -Check the antenna array.-
Tautin: -We're fine, everything's green on the screen, the malfunction is theirs.-
Markus: -If the colony had a failure in their comm systems then that would be a logical explanation. Try all channels, let's see if there is anyone in that colony with a radio listening.-
Tautin tries several more times in all frequencies, but no answer.
Then, the unmistakeable and intentionally annoying sound of the missile lock-on alarm goes off.
Markus: -It can't be, it has to be a malfunction.-
Tautin: -We have two, I correct, four missiles bearing on intercept course.-
Hoffman: -What?! Are you reading that right?-
Tautin: -Yes, I am.-
Hoffman: -It could be a ghost on the radar.-
Tautin: -I don't think so.-
Hoffman: -Who is firing!?-
Tautin: -From what I'm reading it's from the colony's defense battery.-
Hoffman: -What the... Evasive maneuvers! Red alert! Get everybody up here now!
Markus: -No-Go! Take the helm! Don't worry, we practiced this didn't we? Just do as Hoffman tells you.-
In missions like this, with a rotating crew taking turns at the watch, many times non specialized personnel would have to assume roles operating the ship's systems.
Markus: -White! Weapons! Get ready to lock on those missiles with our front batteries!-
No-go couldn't believe what he had just heard. time seamed to slow down , as no-go followed his directions, and the projectiles flew ever closer to the ship, no-go had one thought come into his head.

~we are going to die~

No-go herd some sort of explosion, but was to focused on outmaneuvering the missiles to take notice, he decided that it was best for him in the future to avoid these kinds of jobs.
David bounded from his seat to the gunner position. He turned on the weapons system. Looking at the screen. He lined up the sights and aimed at the missiles. Always adjusting to keep on them David fired a burst at one missile. His chair shuddered as the front batteries fired. He fired another burst at the first missile.
The missiles kept deflecting toward the ship and closing with an alarming speed.

There are two basic maneuvers used to evade incoming missiles that most pilots are trained for. No-Go could try to outmaneuver the missiles, not giving enough angle to hit the ship, or head straight to them and dodge them in the last minute. The first option would rely more on the ship maneuver capabilities and the second on the pilot's reaction time.

David on the other hand could try to use the quad 40mm auto cannons or the heavier 200mm cannons with the M29 "flak" explosive rounds to target the missiles one by one, or he could try to use both at the same time to create a wall of concentrated fire between the missiles and the ship.
White, Seeing that his tactics weren't working, turned on all weapons and fired. He hoped this would take out at least one missile as at this rate, all ammo would run out pretty quick. He hoped No-go would assist him.
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