Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Chapter one - PROLOGUE
Markus Latham was born in New Gettysburg, Mars, November 11, 2285. Obtained a college degree in Literature at the University of Mars at 2314 after enlisting in the Colonial Marines Officer's Reserve to pay for his studies. After two years of working as a teacher he was called into service to serve in the First Colonial Independence War, also known as the GW1, or Galactic War One, as a reference to World War One for being the first war taking place in an inter solar systems level. Where 28 of the 35 official colonies from the League of Colonies, the smallest and poorest, declared their independence, arguing not being allowed to grow or develop by restrictions imposed by earth and some of the other richer colonies. He participated in the conflict for one year and a half serving on board the MSC "Yamashita", until he was wounded in 2318. After recovering from his leg injury, he was transferred to a post far away from enemy lines, in an isolated research colony.
In dreams
Mark was lost in surreal landscapes, green grass and mud, a river, an overcast sky, the sky was always overcast in his dreams, clouds moving fast, lightings illuminating the landscape, few heavy drops of rain falling into the grass, turning the dirt into mud. He had discovered the murderer, and the murderer now was looking for him to kill him. He hid behind some bushes under a tree, when the killer came close, he would jump on him.
A blur, like the world is melting with another world, voices in the distance, sounds that have nothing to do with the scene. But who had the killer killed? Why was he after him? How did he got there?
After a while Mark starts to regain consciousness, he wakes up in a place he didn't recognized, this was not his bunk in the Yamashita, of course not, he had been transferred, stasis, he had been in stasis on the ship that would take him to his new destination, it was his first time. ¿Was he dreaming? ¿Was he supposed to dream while in stasis? ¿Had he been dreaming all these months? It was better than having to share a single space with some other two hundred marines for several months, bored to death, dirty and smelly.
Mark starts to feel again, and he does not like at all what he feels, makes him wonder if this is really better than the alternative. Everything hurts, the light is so bright it is impossible to see, and he starts coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. He hears a female voice:
-That's good, get all that phlegm out of your system, the feeling will last a few days until you get back to normal. Your limbs will be sore too, you have not moved in months, but the stasis has kept your body from decaying in that time, after a while you should be able to feel normal again.- She was the medical officer, who for the moment was unable to see, just hear. -Well, that's it, I have to go wake up the others, your close is right next to you on your right, best thing for you now is to get something hot to drink, oh, and the mess facilities are behind that door at the end of the hallway.
-What door?- Mark wants to ask, but he is unable to speak, his throat is dry and sore. And just as she appeared, the medical officer whose face he had not been able to see, had disappeared. After a few moments and with the vision partially recovered, he dresses and heads to the mess, or at least in the direction where he believes the mess is.
Now it was his turn to be on watch, the departing watch crew would go in stasis for the last part of the trip. When he gets to the mess, a helping soul grabs his arm and sits him in a table where there are three other people coughing and looking awful, this makes him realize how he must be looking at the moment.
-Here lieutenant, have some of this coffee, I promise it will be the best you had in a while, even if it's a bad quality one.- Says lieutenant Hoffman, while passing him the mug. -First time in stasis?- Mark nods while holding the mug with two hands. Sitting at the table were also a young women, with the uniform of a medical officer, surely the replacement for the one waking the rest of this shift's crew, and a marine sergeant with two big scars across his face, somehow he looked like he was in better shape than the others, like if he wasn't affected by this little stasis nuisance. Looking over his shoulder Mark sees someone else is approaching the table, guided by one of the departing watch crew.
Markus Latham was born in New Gettysburg, Mars, November 11, 2285. Obtained a college degree in Literature at the University of Mars at 2314 after enlisting in the Colonial Marines Officer's Reserve to pay for his studies. After two years of working as a teacher he was called into service to serve in the First Colonial Independence War, also known as the GW1, or Galactic War One, as a reference to World War One for being the first war taking place in an inter solar systems level. Where 28 of the 35 official colonies from the League of Colonies, the smallest and poorest, declared their independence, arguing not being allowed to grow or develop by restrictions imposed by earth and some of the other richer colonies. He participated in the conflict for one year and a half serving on board the MSC "Yamashita", until he was wounded in 2318. After recovering from his leg injury, he was transferred to a post far away from enemy lines, in an isolated research colony.
In dreams
Mark was lost in surreal landscapes, green grass and mud, a river, an overcast sky, the sky was always overcast in his dreams, clouds moving fast, lightings illuminating the landscape, few heavy drops of rain falling into the grass, turning the dirt into mud. He had discovered the murderer, and the murderer now was looking for him to kill him. He hid behind some bushes under a tree, when the killer came close, he would jump on him.
A blur, like the world is melting with another world, voices in the distance, sounds that have nothing to do with the scene. But who had the killer killed? Why was he after him? How did he got there?
After a while Mark starts to regain consciousness, he wakes up in a place he didn't recognized, this was not his bunk in the Yamashita, of course not, he had been transferred, stasis, he had been in stasis on the ship that would take him to his new destination, it was his first time. ¿Was he dreaming? ¿Was he supposed to dream while in stasis? ¿Had he been dreaming all these months? It was better than having to share a single space with some other two hundred marines for several months, bored to death, dirty and smelly.
Mark starts to feel again, and he does not like at all what he feels, makes him wonder if this is really better than the alternative. Everything hurts, the light is so bright it is impossible to see, and he starts coughing and sneezing uncontrollably. He hears a female voice:
-That's good, get all that phlegm out of your system, the feeling will last a few days until you get back to normal. Your limbs will be sore too, you have not moved in months, but the stasis has kept your body from decaying in that time, after a while you should be able to feel normal again.- She was the medical officer, who for the moment was unable to see, just hear. -Well, that's it, I have to go wake up the others, your close is right next to you on your right, best thing for you now is to get something hot to drink, oh, and the mess facilities are behind that door at the end of the hallway.
-What door?- Mark wants to ask, but he is unable to speak, his throat is dry and sore. And just as she appeared, the medical officer whose face he had not been able to see, had disappeared. After a few moments and with the vision partially recovered, he dresses and heads to the mess, or at least in the direction where he believes the mess is.
Now it was his turn to be on watch, the departing watch crew would go in stasis for the last part of the trip. When he gets to the mess, a helping soul grabs his arm and sits him in a table where there are three other people coughing and looking awful, this makes him realize how he must be looking at the moment.
-Here lieutenant, have some of this coffee, I promise it will be the best you had in a while, even if it's a bad quality one.- Says lieutenant Hoffman, while passing him the mug. -First time in stasis?- Mark nods while holding the mug with two hands. Sitting at the table were also a young women, with the uniform of a medical officer, surely the replacement for the one waking the rest of this shift's crew, and a marine sergeant with two big scars across his face, somehow he looked like he was in better shape than the others, like if he wasn't affected by this little stasis nuisance. Looking over his shoulder Mark sees someone else is approaching the table, guided by one of the departing watch crew.