Silenced 10mm

I've not really bothered to use it, as many times I'll be in one room, use my combat shotgun to dispatch someone, and raiders/ghouls/etc in the next room have no clue what's going on and must be friggen deaf.
it seems that (as long as you get a 1 shot kill) shooting doesn't alert other enemies anyway so I don't see the point
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Shooting someone while sneaking with the silenced 10mm puts you in 'caution' instead of 'danger'.

AFAIK that's the only silenced weapon.

The Poisoned Dart gun is also silent, you have to build it yourself tho.
Limbabnees said:
How usefull can the Silenced 10m be?

Are there more Silenced weapons?

I have High Sneak :D

It's an interesting tool. With Steatlhboy activated, I was able to snipe a Talon merc who was 10 feet away and he had no idea who was hitting him. I would think that this is a limited application, would be faster to just spray automatic fire at most times.
Very usefull wenn do the quick run for the Bobblehead INT & Party member Mr Ugly "Charon"
Kill Greta with Silencer, well -100 Karma points :)

Charon at LvL 3 as pary member :)