I wanted to get rid of the elder.mve and also run the vsuit.mve in order to get the pipboy and vault suit. I wanted to do this without patching the executable any way, even in memory. Someone said you can create an empty file with the movie name. That works, but it requires the user to press enter when it tries to play each movie (the game seems to just pause until a key is pressed). So I created an MVE that is a single black frame, it is 8k large. I put this elder.mve and vsuit.mve in my patch \art\cuts, and I added this in the artemple map script:
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
if (map_first_run) then begin
No more beginning movies, player is in vault suit, and has pipboy at the start.
procedure map_enter_p_proc begin
if (map_first_run) then begin
No more beginning movies, player is in vault suit, and has pipboy at the start.