Nov 17, 2004 #1 PsychoSniper So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs I just did a banner for a SW fansite Im part of. Thoughts ? Suggestions ?
Nov 17, 2004 #2 T Tannhauser Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite The text is terrible. Perhaps you might want to try fading things into each other, instead of the stark chages between one image an another. The light-saber separators seem hokey. What is with the little characters standing on the border as well?
The text is terrible. Perhaps you might want to try fading things into each other, instead of the stark chages between one image an another. The light-saber separators seem hokey. What is with the little characters standing on the border as well?
Nov 17, 2004 #3 PsychoSniper So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs The characthers are an inside joke that the denzines of that particular fourm will grasp, And I intend ot fade things, I shouldve mentiond that this isnt 100% complete.
The characthers are an inside joke that the denzines of that particular fourm will grasp, And I intend ot fade things, I shouldve mentiond that this isnt 100% complete.
Nov 17, 2004 #5 Wooz Vault Sweeper Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite You could use, or create, a more Star-Warsey font. Anything but Comic MS.
Nov 17, 2004 #6 PsychoSniper So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs I could use aurabsh, but then noone could read it :p yeah, I suppose comic sans was a bad choice. meh, I was drunk when I picked it
I could use aurabsh, but then noone could read it :p yeah, I suppose comic sans was a bad choice. meh, I was drunk when I picked it