Skill Deriving

The physopathic Polock

Still Mildly Glowing
You all know that Marksman skill is really going to {Marksman} Things up in Van Buren (as well as megring Throwing and Melee), so here's my suggestion on how to keep Fallout 3 from being {Chucky}{Marksman}ed by J.E.'s tweaking:

You could derive multiple skills on a per-weapon basis.

Things like throwing knives, spears and the like can derive both Melee and Marksman.

Fragmentation grenades, Motolov cocktails, as well as ann non-energy small guns (I mean what the origional Fallouts considered "small guns") can derive both "Chemical Sciences" and "Marksman"

All the non-energy Big Guns (By Fo1/Fo2 standards) can derive "Chemical Sciences", "Mechanical Sciences", and "Marksman"

EMP/Plasma Grenades, as welll as all small energy weapons can derive both "Energy Sceinces" and "Marksman"

All big energy weapons can derive "Energy Sciences", "Mechanical Sciences", and "Marksman"

See what I'm hinting at?

All the big guns require the Mechanical Science skills, while just chemical/energy grenades and small chemical/energy small guns only require just the Chemical/Energy Sceince skils.

And throwable melee weapons simply derive Marksman and Melee Weapons skills together.
Does this mean that a brilliant mechanic with 20-years experience who never seen a gun in his life can shoot better than a marine?
AYBABTU is right, that would not work out well, and unbalance the game a lot.
Well, there are mechanical aspects about guns 'n' stuff.

Besides, the skills in general are quite "generic" to their respective feilds. Sure, it would be more sensical to use the old skills, but it looks like they aren't going to do that. Instead, this came to mind.