Skill lvl unimportant. glitch?


First time out of the vault
did a search & could find nothing on the topic so curious if anyone else has ran across this or if its just me

So far its just the repair skill, not far enough into game to see if any other skills do this

I seem to be able to repair anything regardless of my skill level. can restore weapons to 100% & recently did a quest where repair lvl needed was 60...I had no trouble completing the quest at lvl 32.

Is this a glitch anyone else has come across?
In New Vegas, repair skill doesn't limit the amount of % anymore, which is a good thing. The higher your repair skill is, the better you repair items with other items and you can craft better stuff on workbenches, etc. pp.

It's not a bug, not a glitch.
I dunno if that's the case, but when i was repairing a certain robot in Primm i had the choice to either repair it as is without using any new parts by passing a high repair skill level check or using some new parts and with a lower required skill level. Maybe something like that happened to you.

Or maybe you had a magazine activated or something. Those things really boost you up.
The bot in Primm also had a possible Science check (60) and if you pass it you only need 35 Repair.

Like Lexx stated, Repair doesn't stop you from maxing out an item's CND. Instead, it makes it more efficient to repair items--you may need 5 laser rifles to max yours at 30 Repair, but only 2 laser rifles at 100 Repair--and convert between ammo types at a Reloading Bench.