It Wandered In From the Wastes
I don't know if anyone have posted any topic like that, so, if anyone posted some topic equal that, just ignore.
Anyone have noticed tha the computer in Fallout 2 named Skynet, can be an Easter Egg mentioning the movie sequel Terminator?? Because the computer in Fallout 2 is named Skynet, and the computer who get crazy and take over the world in Terminator is named Skynet too!!
Like I said, if anyone posted this later, just ignore.
Sorry my english
The Chosen
Anyone have noticed tha the computer in Fallout 2 named Skynet, can be an Easter Egg mentioning the movie sequel Terminator?? Because the computer in Fallout 2 is named Skynet, and the computer who get crazy and take over the world in Terminator is named Skynet too!!
Like I said, if anyone posted this later, just ignore.
Sorry my english
The Chosen