Slaver - cant get Wright quests


First time out of the vault
OK I'm a Slaver so they dont like me that much...
In New Reno, I can convince Keith Wright to let me talk to his Dad. However, old man Orville won't give me any job... Is there a way I can convince him?

Also, I have Marcus with me. When I tell him to wait for me, he wont re-join my party. Any Fix?

Finally, is there another heavy weapons guy who will join me when I
'm a Slaver?
If you're a slaver you must pass a speech check before Orville gives you the job. If your kamra is -101 or worse you can't get the job at all.

You must got Marcus before becoming a slaver or having kamra higher than -101. Then after you dump him you can't get him back.

And Marcus is the only heavy weapons CNPC.