Slayer and Sniper perks not available in Fallout Fixt


First time out of the vault
I wonder if anyone could help me or if anyone has run into this bug. I'm playing the latest Fallout Fixt, which is version 0.81alpha. I am level 21 and neither Slayer nor Sniper is showing up as a perk (both of which should have been available on level 18). I have well enough skill and talent points, except for ST and PE which are naturally too low but with either the power armor or drugs they are above the requirements. What could possibly be wrong? I never had this issue when I played a non-fixt game back in the day.
Nevermind, I believe I figured it out. Apparently Fixt no longer allows any temporary stat boosts for gaining perks. I pumped up my ST and PE in F12se.exe, and voilà, the perks were available.