Slow Leveling Mod


First time out of the vault
I saw a slow leveling mod on another site and apparently you download it and unzip it but it didn't work for me. Yes I downloaded the 7zip program your suppose to use to unzip. It merely 'unzipped' and did nothing I noticed in game play when I tested it.

It looks like I see the same XP totals needed for next level and the same XP award for killing, etc.

Question/Help: Does anyone have or know of a good Slow Leveling mod that actually works.

I see a structure for XP that doesn't seem to follow a doubling. perhaps a doubling XP structure would be better?
Something like:

Level 2 = 400 xp (yes you don't immediately pop to 2nd level when you leave the vault, but do shortly afterward if you fight something or complete a quest like the repair quest in Megaton, or pick some locks, etc., ie you must actually go forth and accomplish something beyond leaving the vault).

Level 3 = 800 xp
Level 4 = 1,600 xp
Level 5 = 3,200 xp
Level 6 = 6,400 xp
Level 7 = 12,800 xp
Level 8 = 25,600 xp
Level 9 = 51,200 xp
etc. (doubling each time)

To me if you do this you don't need to go beyond level 20 (ie you don't need level 30 or 40) cuz it would take you much much longer to get to 20, and by that time you probably will be close to finishing the map. So yes you will do most of your exploring of the outermap and inner DC probably 6-18 level.

What do you think? Has anyone made a slow leveling mod like this or simliar to it?

The primary benefit of this slow leveling is that you have much much longer to find skill books and bobbleheads and such to increase rather than finding yourself at level 20 when you probably at most finish 1/3 or maybe 1/2 the locations on the map, leaving only the skill books and bobbleheads as a true advancement reward beyond level 20 (ie you gain no real reward off picking locks and hacking or disarming, or killing beyond the material rewards and quest goals you achieve). To me that that is a much more hollow incentive thus why I want slow leveling.
You need to open the "Data Files" section on the launcher, check the plugin, and then start the game, or use a third party program called FOMM.
I've tried to use a couple of these mods and put their file in my Fallout 3/Data folder which if I download directly to it I can't even see the file listed, but if I download to deskstop and move into the data folder I see them.

When I launch the game I do click on Data Files and only see Fallout3 Files listed which is already checked and gives me no other option.

Is there a step by step guide to how to use these mods. Most of the read me files say 'place in Fallout 3 Data folder' which I do but it doesn't seem to work. Yes I know some are zipped and yes I unzip them or if needed I downloaded the unzip program required, still didn't work.

It could turn out that I'll have to wait till the official GECK comes out to mod myself or hopefully those mods will be as simple as move into Data and use without some wonky additional steps.