First of all, sorry if this isn't the place to do so, but I really want to get this off from me fast so please look past my noobish attitude and rudeness (or erase the topic, your choice).
Anyway, the problem is simple. I can't compile my .ssl scripts. I'm trying to do so using the WATCOM way (following this small tutorial right here:, but when I try to compile the file, it fails and throws the next things:
1 file copied.
temp.c(28): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\define.h
temp.c(34): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\command.h
temp.c(35): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\ModReact.h
1 file copied.
And then says it can't recognise "..\dos4gw" as an executable thing, command or file.
Can someone help me? I really want to solve this so I can start tinkering with some Fallout 2 scripts. I know it's a basic thing, but i'm really stuck in here. I use Windows XP SP 3, if that helps in something.
Also, my P.bat file (in case you didn't went to the other page):
[spoiler:d027fb04a0]@echo off
@if not exist %1.ssl goto DONE
@copy %1.ssl temp.c
@G:\WATCOM\binnt\wcc386.exe temp.c /pc /fo=temp.i /w4
@rem Microsoft Visual Studio 6 users uncomment the following line:
@rem cl /P temp.c
@copy temp.i temp.ssl
@..\dos4gw ..\compile temp.ssl
@if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR
@rem The path in the following two lines should point to the Fallout 2 folder:
@copy G:\FalloutStuff\CompiledBIS\
@del temp.c
@del temp.i
@del temp.ssl
@goto DONE
@echo ERROR: %_CWDS%%1.ssl >> ..\err.log
Thanks in advance.
Anyway, the problem is simple. I can't compile my .ssl scripts. I'm trying to do so using the WATCOM way (following this small tutorial right here:, but when I try to compile the file, it fails and throws the next things:
1 file copied.
temp.c(28): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\define.h
temp.c(34): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\command.h
temp.c(35): Error! E1055: Unable to open '..\headers\ModReact.h
1 file copied.
And then says it can't recognise "..\dos4gw" as an executable thing, command or file.
Can someone help me? I really want to solve this so I can start tinkering with some Fallout 2 scripts. I know it's a basic thing, but i'm really stuck in here. I use Windows XP SP 3, if that helps in something.
Also, my P.bat file (in case you didn't went to the other page):
[spoiler:d027fb04a0]@echo off
@if not exist %1.ssl goto DONE
@copy %1.ssl temp.c
@G:\WATCOM\binnt\wcc386.exe temp.c /pc /fo=temp.i /w4
@rem Microsoft Visual Studio 6 users uncomment the following line:
@rem cl /P temp.c
@copy temp.i temp.ssl
@..\dos4gw ..\compile temp.ssl
@if %errorlevel% neq 0 goto ERROR
@rem The path in the following two lines should point to the Fallout 2 folder:
@copy G:\FalloutStuff\CompiledBIS\
@del temp.c
@del temp.i
@del temp.ssl
@goto DONE
@echo ERROR: %_CWDS%%1.ssl >> ..\err.log
Thanks in advance.