Small Model House


First time out of the vault
I found in an abandoned home a small scale house, which you could lockpick with 100 skill. Of course I forgot where its located by the time I had the skill :roll: , I only remember that it was a small area with 2 intact houses (it was on a shelf in one of those) and several ruins. Does anyone know where this "miniature model house" is located and what it contains?

It might be in one of the houses in Minefield, but I'm not sure there could be more then one. Let me know if you find it.
Many thanks! It was in the Minefield. Gibsons House - i picked the lock aaaaand.... there was a stimpack and some jet inside. They could have least put a pipboy booblehead inside.

But than, I half expected that - that wasnt the only "very hard" lock I picked that gave totally useless rewards or a door which could have been bypassed by walking 3 meters around the corner...
Glad i could help. I really like the stash concept in the game, where the locks aren't level based, so it gives you a reason to revisit locations at a higher. But i guess this is a poor example since you got commonly found chems but at lest you got some xp.

I would like to see a mod that would let you store your own notes in the pipboy, to remind you of a place you want to return to at a higher level. Or i could just write shit down on paper but that would be out of character.
I found a whopping 16 caps in a "very hard" rated safe in a power station once. That farking sucked. Also, why the hell would a pre-war intact safe contain bottlecaps, they didn't use em as currency then, why didn't I find a stack of pre-war money?

/stupid game
//rickin fracken grumble 16 caps....
Tell me about it, I went through a building clearing out Super Muties so I could rescue the Brotherhood Initiate, and every desk seemed to have a good collection of Bottle Caps.

Then again, it was an office building. The workers probably chugged them like they were going out of style, and kept the caps out mild kleptomania.
I wanted to punch a goddamn wall over that little house. It was one of the first things in the games I encountered as I was doing the survival guide shit first. When I saw that crazy high lock pick score I was like "damn... there better be a button in that little thing that opens this house up into a missile silo or some shit".

I come back at level 19 before I finish the game and what do I find? shit I could find in a fucking mailbox or on a shelf in some random building.

Biggest let down ever.
Unfortunately PC which is sneaking-lockpicking-thief type isn't well rewarded in the game since most of all those hard-locked safes contains literally nothing worthy which - as it was stated in post before - could be easily found in mail-boxes.

Just as if someone else stole valuables from those bloody safes and then put there something cheap and lock whole damn thing again just to piss of PC :twisted:.

The only usful thing about thief-like PC is that such PC can sneak past oponents and avoid some boring fights.
Seelix said:
Unfortunately PC which is sneaking-lockpicking-thief type isn't well rewarded in the game since most of all those hard-locked safes contains literally nothing worthy which - as it was stated in post before - could be easily found in mail-boxes.

Just as if someone else stole valuables from those bloody safes and then put there something cheap and lock whole damn thing again just to piss of PC :twisted:.

The only usful thing about thief-like PC is that such PC can sneak past oponents and avoid some boring fights.

Don't forget exploding pants!

Or as Herbert "Daring" Dashell calls it "The Shady Sands Shuffle"