So, we like videogame stories, right?

I would respect him more if he didn't have an incredibly over-inflated sense of self-importance. He used to post on the BSN back in the day and the guy was just ridiculously dickish, any criticisim towards his work was ignored at best, and insulted at worst. I believe he got banned in the end, albeit of course he blame Bioware censoring his videos.

About those, methinks they are also very nitpicky. Mass Effect has story problems and I'll be the first to say it even if by and large I love the series, but if you scrutinize enough you can find problems with every single story ever written, not just game's. There's ''not screwing around'' and there's ''let's over-analyse every single little detail''.
But that's the whole point. He's being a story editor. He specifically pointed that out.

sea said:
smudboy may be a nitpicky asshole, but it takes a nitpicky asshole to completely dissect and destroy BioWare's inane turd-work with as much thoroughness as it warrants. Love his videos although I wish he would stop talking about Mass Effect and go do some other games for a change.

He's done Dragon Age 2 and Human Revolution too.
sea said:
Mjolnir said:
He's done Dragon Age 2 and Human Revolution too.
Yeah I know, but he abandoned Human Revolution and hasn't done anything else since.

Yeah I was kinda miffed about that too. The endings are the most analysis-worthy part of the game.