So, what do you do with all these petty pedant brains?


Still Mildly Glowing
The brains from OWB obviously. Personally I can't stand them, I could kill the courier's brain if he/she didn't need it.
But aside from that, leaving any of them behind doesn't seem like a good idea, even if you like them, for some reason... They lobotomize anyone they can after all, and more importantly, if the courier wasn't a lucky little bastard, he/she would have joined the ranks of the lobotomites populating the big empty, wandering the crater like a zombi and doing who knows what else in a patient goon until death...

Any of you felt in a forgiving mood by the end of OWB? You must have a lot of love in your hearts then. Seem I don't though, even Moebius had to die despite being more tolerable, vaguely, when he isn't tripping on psycho.
And I would bet that Borous had a big crush on Betsy Bright.
I found it all hilarious.
I personally killed every brain, but I do like Mobius, so I let him live, sometimes.
I let the brains live once, only once.
Usually, I let Mobius live since he's pretty funny and not a intolerable cunt, but usually its 50-50 with the other brains.
I'll admit as much as I mean to replay New Vegas with all the new mods coming out, I haven't gotten around to it, and need to update a massive amount of my mods, so my memories pretty rusty with what the benefits of letting them live or killing them are, but I vaguely remember the possibility of some energy weapon ammo from the Think Tank brains if you let them live. ;-)
I have no idea of what happen if you try talking them out of escaping the crater, it's just not safe enough, the maniacs lobotomizers could come up with a new escape plan at any time.
Mobius is more likeable once you meet him, but he is just as insane, his robot scorpions being a example, and separating people from their brains don't bother him either. One day he could just 'forget' what's left of his ethicals concerns like he forget his own master plans, and escape too.
And if there is one horrible experience my courier doesn't want to live again, it's what these crazy brains put us through.

I'll admit as much as I mean to replay New Vegas with all the new mods coming out, I haven't gotten around to it, and need to update a massive amount of my mods

What sort of mods do you play with? I am no adept of extending a game that is already so huge so I only have the YUP, rotfacetoriches, avangraffscorned, outsidebets, which were the only restorations appealing to me I could find. And a mod to change how Ulysses perceive your supposed allegiance once you reach Lonesome road, which hopefully should improve this DLC for me.
I do use some of the ones you do, at current the more major mods I've consistently used are Tale of Two Wastelands, Project Nevada & Robco Certified, along with weapon mod menu, these are mods used by a lot of people other than me, especially Proj. Nevada.
Some minor mods I felt improved my experience slightly would probably be FOOK, Classic Fallout Weapons, the Monster mod and Mo' Mutants and Mo' Robots.

Robco Certified actually allows you to create variants of the Robo-Scorpion and the Dr. Orderly, which I liked about it.

Anyway, if you want me to tell you about any mod listed here, or want any more mods that I use feel free to ask, as for the Ulysses mod, I think I remember seeing something like that, but I don't remember what it was called, and I never got it. Some advice would to look at people who view mods, personally I used to watch a lot of AlChestBreach before I even had the game on PC, so I had a vague idea of the mods I found neat and wanted to get. I think there is a series that the NexusMods website recommends, I think it was called The Mod Clinic or something like that.

Another thing is to get a mod manager, if you haven't already. From what I know most people use Mod Organizer, and NMM is alright but bigger mods like TTW don't work well with it.
Thanks, not sure if those are my type of mods though, I saw some of them while browsing nexus but they mostly seemed unnecessary (to me of course). I use FOMM as mod manager. I know it's said to be outdated but it's the first I found, it work with GOG offline installer version and it handle the few mods I use just fine so I looked no further.

This is the mod I use for Ulysses:
Yeah, FOMM is fine, and yeah I have a lot of unnecessary mods.
Thats also the mod I remember seeing, so nice.