So What is Missing That's Important?


First time out of the vault
I've seen tons of people still going on about killing kids and driving cars, peolpe cmoplaining about glitchy AI pathing and buggy NPC issues..

What about the shit from the original games that didn't make the cut, that nobody has mentioned?

-Why can't I inject drugs into my allies to buff them up?

-Why can't I inject drugs into NPCs to kill them?

-Why are rickety wooden doors completely immune to a pile of 24 frag mines? I could use Explosives to get by the lion's share of doors in previous Fallout games.

-Where are the Cat's Paw magazines? I miss my porn!

Those are the first things that I'm really missing off the top of my head, aside from wondering if it's possible to kill the Mysterious Stranger and jack his outfit.
The lack of Gauss weapons was a pretty big bummer for me, I was looking forward to those in VATS.
A larger gap between the power level of weaponry would have been much better for one thing.
It's a big jump from a 10mm Pistol to a .223 in the original Fallouts, however, in Fallout 3 I had myself walking around at level 20 with guns that I had from the beginning of the game along with more powerful ones that I had scrounged later on.

It's boring to say the least, at least there are weapons with unique names, but it's nothing like finding the Bozar.
-Where are the factions?

-Where are the sassy lines before a prostitute fade-to-black, or the snarky comments afterwords?

-Where is the vice, anyway? Gambling, prostitution, drugs, etc. I found one meth head and his buddy cooking up jet, with no real follow-up quest. Weak.

Why can't I join a trade caravan?

Why can I never have a neutral encounter outdoors? (I had 1, a wasteland surgeon who sold me some stims, but other than caravans at city gates there's no interaction for me so far, just instant fights).

Where are the throwing weapons? Knives? Shuriken? We forgot how to throw, but we relearned how to make medieval man-cages, what?

When did my NPC's forget how to don new armor?

Why do all my allies suck, and die instantly to Radscorps?

Where are the recruitable NPCs? I'm about to win game and I have a ghoul and dogmeat.

Where's the dialogue, story, puzzles... challenge?
bethesda has this way of overreacting to criticism and going to the completely opposite extreme.

daggerfall had excessively long dungeons so they made most dungeons in MW tiny

MW was too dusty and unfriendly so they made oblivion a generic foresty elf world where npcs suck up to you as you walk past them

oblivion let you become leader of every faction so FO3 has no joinable factions period

BS is kind of this retarded kid who keeps trying to find his way to the grocery store for milk but always takes a wrong turn and comes back with motor oil instead. maybe they'll get there someday who knows
Yeah, I miss being able to recruit someone I can interact with from the beginning. On my first playthrough of FO2 I didn't recruit Sulik, but when I did he stuck around so long that he kind of grew on me. Having him knock out the low level guys with a super sledge was plain fun to see.

For F3 I had to google what NPC's are recruitable, and see most are not - except if I change my alignment. What? Why does some robot care if I'm neutral or not, he should be happy to leave his wandering trader group to do some real exploring.

Overall, I miss the surprises. Every time you wandered a F1 or F2 map, you could get a random encounter. Even the regular ones were interesting - mostly some groups were fighting eachother, if you were too low skilled they at least almost killed eachother and left you some nice equipment.
The F3 environment becomes deslotate after the Vault Dweller passes by. You kill everything "evil" and find yourself in some boring sea of nothingness.

I still get a cravinf gor the original Fallouts every once in a while, and loved how every action influenced something. Now I'm playing F3 and I'm already bored. Can't wear Power Armor, but have already read that I don't have to look out for the time I can do it, because it sucks anyway.

Having most of the good guns readily available kind of sucks too. Having a flamer, fatman, laser rifle + pistol, rocket launcher at level 3, just stops that longing for "what guns will come". Ok, I still have to find plasma weapons, but besides that... In the original F's, as pointed out above, it was a real change going from the simple pistols to the bigger ones.

Moddable weapons? Fal with nightvision would have been really cool.

More weapons? 2 types of assault rifle, 3 pistols/revolvers, 2 shotguns... Come on, where are the experimental things? CAWS? It's the future, and no one thought of improving basic weapons, besides designing some l33t nUkUlar launcher? Shows some finesse.

Learning interesting things from computers. Some have a bit of text, most don't do a thing. I remember reading up the Army base experiments in F2, having to find an eye for a retinal scanner - it's like a story within a story. In F3 I've been to the preserved library, and there was shit info. Some NPC's sure, with again no charisma and boring talk - shoot.

Bah, this topped with the technical issues I'm having... If I ever win the lottery, I'm recruiting the old Interplay team.