I've seen tons of people still going on about killing kids and driving cars, peolpe cmoplaining about glitchy AI pathing and buggy NPC issues..
What about the shit from the original games that didn't make the cut, that nobody has mentioned?
-Why can't I inject drugs into my allies to buff them up?
-Why can't I inject drugs into NPCs to kill them?
-Why are rickety wooden doors completely immune to a pile of 24 frag mines? I could use Explosives to get by the lion's share of doors in previous Fallout games.
-Where are the Cat's Paw magazines? I miss my porn!
Those are the first things that I'm really missing off the top of my head, aside from wondering if it's possible to kill the Mysterious Stranger and jack his outfit.
What about the shit from the original games that didn't make the cut, that nobody has mentioned?
-Why can't I inject drugs into my allies to buff them up?
-Why can't I inject drugs into NPCs to kill them?
-Why are rickety wooden doors completely immune to a pile of 24 frag mines? I could use Explosives to get by the lion's share of doors in previous Fallout games.
-Where are the Cat's Paw magazines? I miss my porn!
Those are the first things that I'm really missing off the top of my head, aside from wondering if it's possible to kill the Mysterious Stranger and jack his outfit.