So, what to do with the Raider Base?


Night Watchman
Staff member
Here I wanted to discuss the various merits of various ways of dealing with this nasty Raider Base in fan-made patches.

As Per eloquently puts it, "the raider base (...) happen(s) to be on a beeline between Vault City and NCR". Clearly, this is unacceptable.

Locutus' as well as Bear Dude's patches amended for this issue by hiding the Raider Base on the world map, making the chart from Bishop's safe the only legitimate way to find it.

I, however, tend to think this is not the optimal solution. While it is clear the base was too easily found in the original, I also believe that few players will think to loot Bishop's safe in order to find data encriminating him.

I maintain that, while it is obvious a player looting Bishop's casino "for the heck of it" should find the map and the data disk, even if they have no knowledge of the raider problem, a player that is looking specifically for the solution to the raider threat should first find the base, the account book and lastly, the data exposing NCR's involvement.

It is my recommendation that, in any and all future patches, the base be not hidden on the World Map, but instead

a) be moved into other position more distant from the obvious trade routes

b) require an Outdoorsman check to be found (I doubt the latter is possible, though.)

Perhaps an event could be created and scripted, that a player with an outrageously high Outdoorsman can track the raiders from VC itself (Like the Chop Shop car tracks, a dialogue window would pop up when in the corner of the Courtyard. Or something.)

I do agree that another method should be thought of for finding the Raider's Base, but do remember that it is quite a hidden/secret place. One of the entrances is a random manhole into the ground (that entrance actually requires an Outdoorsman check to be used) while the other entrance is through a cave. No normal traveler would EVER find this base unless like you said the player was able to follow the raiders back to their hideout or perhaps if the player had an Outdoorsman level of at least 200.

It is a tough decision. I like the scripted idea of tracking them back but that changes the game too much and would only fit under my addon idea; hence not being suitable for the patch.
I don't suppose it'd be easier to do something with a new or modified NPC who could give the Player a tipoff of the location? Then all you'd have to do is some dialogue and a little scripting, right? Just throwing the idea out.

Edit: A possible example of a change would be Moore in Vault City mentioning something about Bishop being related to the rader attacks, then perhaps one of his henchmen or maybe his daughter would run their mouth off.
moved into other position more distant from the obvious trade routes
Yes i think we all agree with that.

Perhaps an event could be created and scripted, that a player with an outrageously high Outdoorsman can track the raiders from VC itself (Like the Chop Shop car tracks, a dialogue window would pop up when in the corner of the Courtyard. Or something.)
Yes it can be done, and I think that outdorsman skill at 200% to do that is a little to much(it would be useless since no normal player will ever have that skill).
If we do this i suggest:

1)Finding tracks in VC should not be that hard since we track a large group after hard fight(they have wounded etc).
If player Outdoorsman > 80 he can go after tracks.

Now if he has Outdoorsman > 130 then he go strait to raiders base(rare case - value here can be that 200% from killap idea)

If he has Outdoorsman < 130 then we move player near raider base(desert map with text that he lost tracks)(it can be done that with more Outdoorsman he get closer to base).

2)Well we can add some trapper that can be hired to track that base for player(from InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit idea).

Base require an Outdoorsman check to be found (I doubt the latter is possible, though.)
It is possible to do using a random/special encounter map.
We could do a special encounter that on map enter checks player outdorsman (and luck maybe), and if he pass then raider map is loaded, otherwise he is on empty desert map or better he encounter a Raider patrol. :)
why not use the "shadow who walks" tribal. He was supposed to be conected with finding the base.

make him an encounter where you get the option to follow him. With outdoor skill and luck checks to find the base.