So ... where are those weapons of mass destruction?

Syria :p

Well - it is pretty much well known by now that "they" (various intelligences agencies) misjugded the amount of possible WMD (with intention or not - now that is the question).
Afterall it is has been all over the news, international as well as national (according to what I've seen) for a good while.

However - it is impossible to know if there isn't some stockpile in the desert somewhere, just hidden well. Iraq is still a pretty large country and with the war(s) and turmoil I doubt it would be difficult to actually hide WMDs.
Taking advantage of Ozrat's absence to insult him behind his back (as it were, ha-ha), are we CCR?
Ugly John said:
have you tried google?
try it with the i feel lucky tab

The "I feel lucky" in Google simply seems to take the first link that it would otherwise display. So there is no need to use that function :)

But yeah - search for it :D

.... and try French Military victories while at it :D
Nice Cartoons.

try French Military victories while at it

That's Cruel....but still amusing.

If you count the Franks and the Normans as French, then it is not all that bad after all. But then again the Normans originally came from Denmark, Sweden and Norway and defeated the Franks. The people in Normandy still have a very distinctive culture, probably closer to Britain than to France.