Some Fallout inspired sketches


First time out of the vault
Just some sketches inspired by replaying fallout series.
Thoughts and crits would be appreciated.




Thanks alot.
Me like.

Although I'd make the light on the foreheads a bit less obvious and uniform in all the pics. It gives the head a metallic texture.
I agree with Wooz. Personally I would ad a little more shadow too, but that's because I usually go heavy on shadow. Nice work, all around -thumbs up-

EDIT; after a second look, I changed my mind about the shadow thing: the only one I'd add any to is the last one, and thats only if you were gonna ad a body or make the right eye in shadow rather than drawing it.
Very good.

Those are very detailed sketches, I think they look great. I hope to see some more of your work.