some humble pics


First time out of the vault
Here are a few shots that i took after the "Happy New Year" and stuff...feel free to add any comments or suggestions you may have


this is an old powerplant and i took the shot from the car


i dunno about what this piece of machinery does but it looked cool


and my own rain shelter...all made by hand in my yard:)
These looked good. Would look nice in a Fallout mod or for the intro pics. I like the old film filter you used. It has that rustic priceless feel and I say Good work and job well done.
Great pictures...But where were these pics taken? Just a matter of interest is all.
well...actually i was kind of afraid to say what is my country because some of you may laugh know...but what the fuck i live in Romania and i am damn proud of it.The one with the piece of machinery is taken from Sinaia-a mountain town.

Carib thx for your comments...i appreciate that.
rxqueen said:
well...actually i was kind of afraid to say what is my country because some of you may laugh know...but what the fuck i live in Romania and i am damn proud of it.The one with the piece of machinery is taken from Sinaia-a mountain town.

Carib thx for your comments...i appreciate that.

Whats wrong with living there?? When you have awesome places like that around, that remind us all of Fallout/Post-Apocalyptic worlds...

Anyways I haven't actually been to Romania, but awesome pics mate...

By the way, do you have anymore of these great pics??
rxqueen said:
.actually i was kind of afraid to say what is my country because some of you may laugh know...but what the fuck i live in Romania


No, just kidding. Was in Romania once, took a lot of pictures. Beautiful countryside, very fallouty decaying cities. You can check the pics out at my website if you wish, just push the red button.

Wooz said:
rxqueen said:
.actually i was kind of afraid to say what is my country because some of you may laugh know...but what the fuck i live in Romania


No, just kidding. Was in Romania once, took a lot of pictures. Beautiful countryside, very fallouty decaying cities. You can check the pics out at my website if you wish, just push the red button.

i saw your site about 2 weeks ago ...nice artwork wooz...really i admire your work...keep up the good work...

i'll come with some new pics soon, i will go to an abandoned railway station with lots of vagons adn stuff...just be patient.

and i am working to a mod for my pc case...i saw the two ones and i got inspired...if you wish i could post some progress pics, so you can give me some suggestions. uh....i don't know how to thumbnail the photos....maybe you can teach me uh....i don't know how to thumbnail the photos....maybe you can teach me

To make a thumbnail, assuming you have photoshop, just reduce the image size to, well, thumbnail size.

To make a forum thumbnail, just host your images at the free server The site's program automatically thumbnails it for you.

As for the pictures, try boosting the contrast in the last two, and smoothing them out. Unless the grain and unitone was on purpose.
Wooz said: uh....i don't know how to thumbnail the photos....maybe you can teach me

To make a thumbnail, assuming you have photoshop, just reduce the image size to, well, thumbnail size.

To make a forum thumbnail, just host your images at the free server The site's program automatically thumbnails it for you.

As for the pictures, try boosting the contrast in the last two, and smoothing them out. Unless the grain and unitone was on purpose.
no, the grain was on purpose because is part of the aged film effect from digimarc that i use. i boosted up the brightness on the one with the excavator, and on the one with the barn i used the same effect with less scratches and less brightness.i will try what you have suggested to see the results.thx for the advices and i'll keep working....i hope the ones with the abandoned railway station will do the trick:)
A joke:

Two pigs are strolling down the street, when a car comes speeding their way. One of the pigs says: "Look out, it's a Moskveeech!"
i like that car-Moskvitch i mean...when i was about 5 years old i used to play in one of those.But the car in the pic is called Dacia...crappy cars...shitty cars...i hate them!

Nice joke:)
The former East Bloc countries are perfect for Fallout/Wasteland Post apocalyptic photography... If there is ever an NMA or Dac Con, I opt we go somewhere in the desert of North America or some junked up placed in Eastern Europe.
well romania is perfect for this....lots of abbandoned sites and lots of opportunities to take pics:D