some problem with my screen ...

Serge 13

Cranium Cat oTO
well,i hope i am not posting in the wrong thread.
i just bought myself a new 22 inch LG monitor and i have set my windows resolution to 1680 x 1050 .but when i move a window or when i am playing a game for example like fallout or Arcanum the picture/window doesn't move very smooth and it looks somehow shaky .this happends only when i move something in the screen or when i am moving from one place to another in a game like fallout for example. it almost looks like a tiled picture.Does anyone have a solution to this problem ?
No, you're not posting in the wrong thread. You're posting in the wrong forum altogether. There's a General Gaming and Hardware forum right under this one.

Have you tried updating the drivers for both the monitor and the graphics card? Also, check the cable. It's quite hard to tell what the problem might be since you haven't provided much information.
mr. pastorius said:
Have you tried updating the drivers for both the monitor and the graphics card? Also, check the cable. It's quite hard to tell what the problem might be since you haven't provided much information.
I re-installed the monitor and the graphics card Driver .I am using a dvi cable and i dont see any problem in that either .
Vault 13 said:
mr. pastorius said:
Have you tried updating the drivers for both the monitor and the graphics card? Also, check the cable. It's quite hard to tell what the problem might be since you haven't provided much information.
I re-installed the monitor and the graphics card Driver .I am using a dvi cable and i dont see any problem in that either .

Check the forums of the manufacturer. There might be a firmware update or some other bullshit, or you might be S.O.L. The forums of the monitor manufacture will likely have other people with the same problem, and if not, I would hook up another monitor to see if the same thing happens. If not, then the monitor is definitely the problem and you should get it refunded and check reviews for a better one.