Some questions. About FOT mods/modding.


First time out of the vault
ok I know I been bouncing between the FO2 and the FOT modding forum, but now that I actually got my FOT to actually install, I am finding it a lot easier to mod FOT that FO2 so I may just stick with this.

Now I got a couple docs and bookmarked a few threads to get me started. Can anyone recommend any docs that I could use?

Also is it possible to add MORE stuff to the FOT campaign? like more missions/items? and in that case can all the models/items be used from FO2? ex. the original BOS PA?
I seen the mod that changes the FOT weapons to FO2 weapons, but could I add the FO2 items on top of the FOT?

I see they use ent and spr files, but are they compatible? mainly the orig BOS armor.

I got more Qs but I need to run for now, I'll be back later.
You can add the RPG items, just make new entities and add them to inventories or maps as you require.

You can't use the RPG character art, it's a different format, scale, perspective and doesn't have all the required directions.

All the tutorials I know of are either on the forums, here and at DaC or here