(someone) make game more fallout hardcore :)


First time out of the vault
1st please make F3 more HARDCORE (radiation be more deadly, head shot, no reapering (and no degrading), use of drugs make some cosenquences and addiction from stimpacks (sory my bad english), child killing (real)
2nd Fallout economik (F1 and F2 weapons was more expensive), more ammo and weapon i traders and ofkorz more money (caps)
3rd more tactic in VASP (non stop ?? )
4th NPC, enemy's, and hero can realy hurt (no weapon use when youre have hands hurt, blind when heads hurt, no walk when legs hurt, bleading and other
5th real POWER ARMOR
6th no more can take armor from dead corpse
7th more levelin (99 -100), more exp to get lv (reameber F1 and F2 leveling?), more skills (and 200%-300% to get) and perks, get perks on 3,6,9,12 (etc) lv
8th give hunger and dehydretion ( EE you know you need to drink)
9th hero is sooooooo sloooooooooooooooooow even when he run
10th no lev scaling
Faster running is addressed in several mods.

More levels? Fallout 2 only had 25 levels I believe? Correct me if Im wrong. The few extra levels just spaced the perks. Although there is now a slowed down leveling mod. Many actually. Which decrease the amount of exp earned from quests and such. That or just raise the cap to 30 or 40. Even ones which just make leveling slower by requiring levels to take more. exp. I tend to use the one that increase the exp. needed.

Radiation Mods are in place.

You of course can take armour from corpses*Unbuttons the armour and takes it*

So in generall I agree and disagree with you. Some things work already with mods. Some things you didnt understand as well I didnt bring up. But hey! For the food idea! Seriously agree to that one!
nope in fallout 2 you can have 99 lv (sure Its imposible to get so much xp but there is father who give you manuall for Fallout 2 when you readed its give you 10000xp and some skill he can give you this manual all you whanted ofkorz when you kill last boss) in fallout 1 if I reameber you can have only 21 lv and ok food its not so good idea but water hmmm if someone reameber sometimes in falout hero stops to find some water in the desert
Jahnri said:
You of course can take armour from corpses*Unbuttons the armour and takes it*

And you can still do that even if the body is melted or cutted down to little pieces.
oh and just because bethesda is so stupid to make every character in the world the same doesn't mean we have to stick with it. do you agree on this or do you wear women dresses in real life?