Well! THis didn't have any means for you Western and Australian people, but i found this on Yahoo Search Engine, and this got lots of meaning for Indonesian, particularly Bandung people.
Let Big Fat Mama explains the rest:
This is from PC game review: " Nico from Indonesia on 12/3/02 11:49:58 PM. Purchased At: Naulifar Softwares. Hours Played: 10, This review has not been rated. Summary: ...
www.pcgamereview.com/reviews/racing/product_1885.asp search within this site "
He'll know what this means.....
"Let he who desires peace prepare for war....."
-Vegetius Renatus-
Let Big Fat Mama explains the rest:
This is from PC game review: " Nico from Indonesia on 12/3/02 11:49:58 PM. Purchased At: Naulifar Softwares. Hours Played: 10, This review has not been rated. Summary: ...
www.pcgamereview.com/reviews/racing/product_1885.asp search within this site "
He'll know what this means.....
"Let he who desires peace prepare for war....."
-Vegetius Renatus-